Best Summary of why we shouldn't worry about cholesterol or take statins

(Barbara Greenwood) #1

I got into conversation with someone about diet, carbs, protein, cholesterol and statins. I told her I’d read that no woman should ever take statins. She’s interested and wants to know more.

So - recommendations pleas for entry-level websites and/or YouTube vids about why cholesterol isn’t the problem and why statins aren’t the answer.

This person is in her sixties and pretty slim… but that doesn’t mean she’s metabolically healthy!

(Karen Parrott) #2

I might take statins if I had Familiar Hypercholesterolemia- as DX’ed by a lipid lab AND had family members who died in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.

I’d go super low dose and have a lipidemeologist who treats lots of FH on speed dial. Sorry, no links, but there are good ones out there. I’ve learned to stay away saying should ever, never, or always with myself and everyone. Lots of misdiagnosis- both over calling and under calling of FH.

Onward and I look forward to the links.


Following this thread for links also.

(Jo Lo) #4

There’s lots of good explanations. Try Ivor Cummins for starters

Personally I like those by Dr Zoe Harcombe, of Wales. Smart, short, well supported, often funny. (whoops, she is not tall, but I mean her written pieces tend to be short).

for a well balanced view, search on for cholesterol and statin.

there’s a few things to chew on.


This is a nice clear talk on fats/Ancel Keys, cholesterol and statins including evidence for women and older people living longer with higher cholesterol. He also has a fantastically clear explanation of the statistical tricks played by the drug companies

First half is about fats

Specific time for statin discussion