Best cuts of beef for the price?

(Karim Wassef) #21

Get a vacuum seal machine. I buy in bulk and then vacuum seal it all in individual bags. You can even freeze them at that point and pull out what you need.

(George) #22

I do freeze any excess that I may have, but the concern I had was about buying spoiled meat without knowing it’s spoiled until opening the original packaging lol. I’ll give the grey meat a chance this weekend though, I’ll buy a day’s worth and check it out.

(Khara) #23

If it actually is bad, and you will know by smelling it, then take it back! Your receipt will show purchase date, and package will show sell by date. A hassle to make a trip back but they need the accountability. We had to do this once with prawns. Fresh from the meat counter, opened them to make that same night, and oh boy, not the right smell.:nauseated_face:
What was said above by @Karim_Wassef and @David_Stilley is right. Aged beef, air exposure, myoglobin.
We buy a lot of bargain bin meat, as we like to call it. Sometimes it’s gray but the smell is always fine. Sometimes we age it even longer just drying out in our fridge. Seriously, you’ll know if it doesn’t smell right. There’s no looong sniffing and contemplating and more looong sniffing and wondering and then asking whoever is walking by to sniff it and then both of you seeing if the dog takes interest or walks away. No, if it’s bad you just innately know and your arms won’t be long enough to get it far enough away from your face. In fact you’ll be lucky if you don’t accidentally throw it across the room.:grin:
Good luck. Hope to see some pics in the food thread!

(Carl Keller) #24

I got a really good deal on some grey filet mignon last month. I knew it was near spoiling but I took a chance because it was $2.20 for two 8 oz filets. I would have totally taken it back if it had an odor to it.

Anyway, it fried up nicely and I couldn’t tell it started as brown instead of red… however, it was a bit leaner than I prefer and I would have rather of had a ribeye.

(Khara) #25

Lunch. T-bone and sautéd onion. We split this, and most of the onions go to him. I am still learning all my cuts of meat. He does the shopping for meat and so really it’s just whatever looks good to him and that he can find a good deal on. In the past it was always just a good way for me to get a bit of protein and variety in me. Now though, I’m like, ‘ooh, this ones good, what’s the name of it?’ Long ways from a turkey sandwich and side of chips for lunch. :nerd_face:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #26

I absolutely love filet mignon. Next time wrap it in :bacon::bacon::bacon::cowboy_hat_face:

(Carl Keller) #27

What’s better than one steak? How about two steaks? The left side of your tbone is a new york strip and the right side is filet mignon.

@David_Stilley When the filet is still attached to a tbone is my favorite way to eat one. Half wrapped in bone is the way to go. :smiley:

(PSackmann) #28

I stopped buying the blister packs when I found out Kroger adds rosemary extract to keep it looking red in the pack. They don’t add it to the chubs, since you can’t tell if it’s red or not through the wrapper.
One thing to keep in mind, if you’re going to be buying older meat, make sure you get it from below the tape line on the cooler. Anything above the tape line isn’t guaranteed to stay at a safe temperature

(Full Metal KETO AF) #29

Are you carnivore or just hate rosemary? :cowboy_hat_face:

(Khara) #30

Cool info. The left side is my side. Am I getting ripped off? Should I be taking some of the right?

(Carl Keller) #31

If you like tender and juicy, yes!

(PSackmann) #32

Neither, just don’t like having additives in packages of ground beef. I like rosemary, not as a way to hide grayish color to extend the life of ground beef. I expect additives in bacon and luncheon meat, sausage, even turkey, ham and chicken, not ground beef, or other cuts of beef for that matter.

(Khara) #33

Hmm. This might be happening more and more. Previous years I was always a well done person. Actually had to put my cut back on the burner for a bit after taking his off. We don’t do that anymore and I’m able to enjoy it pinker. :cut_of_meat:

(Jeb Bower) #34

For the record, my best find to date was a 15-pound butt for $9. It was a manager’s special at Kroger that cooked up great in the smoker.


My solution is chuck roast on sale - it’s been going up in price but is still cheaper than the prime cuts. Cut it into 4 or 5 chunks and toss it in the InstantPot for an hour-ish. Connective tissue softens and you get some broth for later.

(Brian) #36

Chuck roast is some good eats! We do it sous vide here. At about 3 days, 138 degrees, with the last couple of hours in a smoker… it doesn’t get a whole lot better than that, at least not that I’ve had. I don’t have a smoker at home but we tried it at our son’s house. I really would like to get a smoker… it’s just that we always seem to be short on cash for such things. I haven’t figured out a way to smoke it without a smoker but I suspect there are some ways. :slight_smile:

(mole person) #37

I’ve just recently figured this trick out myself. I give them a half hour post opening to mark everything down and then I pounce. In the last week I’ve had absolutely gorgeous ribeye steaks 6 out of seven days for $4.60 a pound Canadian.

Beef is good way past best before dates too. Just unwrap them and set them on a grill in the fridge to air dry. The actually improve. I’ve even had the butcher admit this even though they are not supposed to say it.

(Ashley) #38

I need to remember this since I have a really bad time with best by dates! It creeps me out going past it, I think I’ve had it since we found out my great grandma was eating 5+ years outdated cans of food when we cleaned out her house after she passed!

(Ethan) #39

Chuck roast is often cheap and very fatty

(mole person) #40

So far the only meats I really do this long air dry with are steak and pork fat back. I find that drying the fat back in the fridge allows me to fry it perfectly without going through all the myriad cooking steps required to make pork rinds. I can leave the fat back drying in the fridge for two weeks without a hint that it’s even starting to go off. Maybe it’s because it’s 90% fat, but even the attached meat is perfectly fresh after.

As others have said, meat tells you when it’s going off, it smells gross long before it would actually sicken you.