Beginning an exercise regime

('Jackie P') #21

:relieved:Is that an order?

(Bunny) #22

I have followed Dr. Berg’s recommendations for years and it goes something like this:

Over-exercising is just going to keep cortisol levels high and no body fat ever gets burned even with low insulin or a ketogenic diet, then their is the estrogen molecule which is the least of the big 3 fat blocking hormones!

The only way to defeat that cortisol and leptin resistance (if T3 is high?), that I know of is HIIT.

I like to use an elliptical cross training machine for HIIT to defeat both cortisol and leptin resistance! I bought my own elliptical for $2800 because it really does work for me!

Short burst high intensity interval exercising e.g. 5 sets for 5 or 10 minutes a day or every other day what ever you feel you can handle? (DO NOT EXERCISE ANY MORE THAN THAT A DAY IF YOU WANT TO BURN BODY FAT?)

Exercising for hours on end will just defeat your goal of burning body fat unless your into building bigger muscles?

Experiment and see what works for you?

Also wanted to mention be mindful of your internal circadian clock; always exercise after 5:00 PM so when you go to sleep at night your HGH will be a lot higher from exercising and burning the body fat while you sleep and then starts to decline throughout the day and won’t be blocked by high cortisol levels if you try working out in the morning or afternoon?


Most of that sounds good but it seems totally unnatural to exercise after 5pm, What are we humans suppose to be doing all day long. We were never meant to be office workers sitting in front of computers, we were agricultural or hunter gatherers.

(Bunny) #24

You may find this interesting:


I read that somewhere as well but I don’t really think it’s agriculture that’s the problem. We use to work real hard to plow field behind oxen and draft horses. It’s the processing of that food in factories that the real problem and the mechanization of farming and the fact that we don’t even walk or ride horses any more or tend to animals with physical labor and we eat SUGAR. If he had worked hard and eaten unprocessed foods we would all have remained keto adapted, all the but affluent that is. As someone else wrote, it’s the diseases of the affluent that even poor people are dying of now. It use to be that foods were rough enough to wear our teeth down and we kept most of them till wee died. If not for modern dentistry I would have lost all my teeth long ago with the high carb diet I’ve been eating and once you’ve lost your teeth all you eat is soft foods.

Hard physical labor prevents insulin resistance and controls appetite. We eat now because we get bored . . . and we have fruit and sugar available to us all year round . . . the diseases if affluence. Heck, we use to have to pump water by hand and milk cows instead of driving to the store.

(Bunny) #26

Unnatural Hmmm?

Jonathan Zerbin really has a point, extremely fascinating and thought provoking article below?

And I believe to be correct? I notice the same 4 hour patterns in my own natural sleeping patterns?

Sleeping every 4 hours (bi-phasic-circadian-rhythm) waking up for a while then sleeping again is most likely the primordial way our ancestors did this thing we call sleep rather than a straight through 8 hours of sleep without being attacked or eaten alive? 8 hours of sleep sounds more like the perfect game for dinner? Or you missing out on wild game?

If you really think about it, your going to get a double triple doses of the good bio-physio-chemical and healing processes that occur from sleeping within shorter periods of time?

Maybe our hunter gatherer foraging ancestors did every thing night and day not just by sunlight as our modern industrialized fortified world would have us thinking???


Supercharge your health by sleeping less – Polyphasic sleep & it’s effects on cortisol


(Brenna) #27

so I am having a hard time finding good workouts without any lunges. Which is really frustrating.

a lot of beginner workouts by Fitness Blender and Hasfit don’t seem so beginner friendly to me. I might try pilates or barre.


That graph looks like my sleep pattern except that I wake up on all those REM peaks.

I dont see why we need to avoid the cortisol peak in the other graph. Cortisol is not a boogeyman just because it’s associated with stress. Stress is not all it’s involved with.


Why is that frustrating? Just don’t do the lunges…

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #30

Have you ever seen Turbo Jam work outs? I used to do it all the time. It’s a bunch of standing abs and some lunges and kicks but she has it modified with a gal in the back doing low, low intensity stuff for bad knees, etc. It is still one of my favorites, kind of dated, though.

(Brenna) #31

I’ve never heard of turbo jam. I accidentally did too much exercise today. I am going to do strength training on seperate days from my dance class/training days.


No but Ive heard of Disco Jam . . .

When I was young I would dance to this stuff for hours

If there were clubs that played it I would be dancing still :o)