Before after


Getting close to first year.Honestly i didn’t think this would go anywhere like all the other diets,so i didn’t do any before pics but i have a couple that shows some of the before.Just because i didn’t think it would go anywhere,doesn’t mean i went at it with that attitude,like all other eating programs,i gave 100%.Now i wish i had more before photos Lol
After close to a year,i am down 90 lbs and have went from a tight 42 waist in pants to a very comfortable 34

(Doug) #2

Now there is a WOW! :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow! Great job. You look like a new person

(E.O.) #4

Fabulous progress!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #5

Fantastic. What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? Do you fast? If so can you tell us a little about your fasting.


(Karen) #6

Fabulous results!!Well done!!


(Candy Lind) #7

CONGRATS! Keep up the great work.


i guess the hardest challenge would be the same as it is for everyone and that would be learning,trying to differentiate between bad advice and good advice.My advice is learn all you can.There are so many good people out there that are professionals.I point people toward Dr Berg(with a grain of salt),Dr Fung,Dr Berry,great starting points.This forum is also a great tool,just remember these all all mainly opions and other peoples experiences,your experiences might be different.
Keeping proteins to moderate was/is a big challenge,i like steaks,chops,chicken breasts,learning that these extra proteins could hurt my ketosis was challenging.
At first i thought there would be no way i could get away from all the sweet snacks i was so used to but after just a couple weeks i was finding out that i really just lost the cravings.
I did straight keto from go.My goal was weight loss,nothing else,i didn’t care about how it could heal my body and mind,i wanted to lose weight,that was my goal.
As i got farther into keto and the weight was coming off,i slowly started looking at the health side.Like what was the best sugar substitute,supplements i could take and the best vegetables,omg i hate vegetables!I am proud to say i can now eat broccoli and cauliflower without gagging Lol I still don’t concern myself a lot with the health side,i still have a coke zero once or twice a week,i eat lunch meat and i still have an occasional carb quick pancake with aunt jemima no sugar syrup.
At first i didn’t count or weigh food,then i did for a month,saw no difference so i quit. i have just learned to be aware.I try to eat as clean as i can,so many good recipes on you tube,there is no reason or place for processed foods.Most of the time :wink:
I plateaued about 3 moths ago and started learning about intermittent fasting.I started off slow at 8:16 and found it pretty easy.Very surprised how much i didn’t miss eating breakfast.I tried extended fasting a few times,did a couple 24 hour,48 hour and a 72 hour. I don’t really care for extended fasting but it is nice to know i can do it.I have been doing IF for a couple months now,doing a 4 hour eating window,it works great,my grocery bill is down 40%,so i can afford more healthier options like grass fed beef and more organic stuff plus the weight started coming off again.A lot slower but that’s ok by me.
My advice would be,Learn,listen to your body and your mind,be honest with yourself and the biggest thing is Don’t Stress.If you have a bad day,so what,get right back at it!
Thanks everyone for the kind words!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #9

Thanks so much for taking the time to record your learnings. It’s great hearing about your journey and your inspiring to me. Keep calm and keto on



Congratulations, you look great!

(Folsom Gal) #11

You look awesome!