Bad news on Erythritol probably not


Even if you don’t normally check out Thomas, he has a couple of guests who normally don’t agree with him but they did this video because this study was so bogus.

(Central Florida Bob ) #2

Dr. Bret Scher, now of Metabolic Mind since leaving Diet Doctor, just put up a video that I linked to in the original article before watching this.

While Dr. Scher mentioned the natural occurrences in our bodies, he didn’t emphasize enough (at least for me) what DeLauer said that the level of endogenous erythritol goes up in metabolically unhealthy people. It’s an association strong enough that our blood level can be tested and erythritol level used as a marker for possible cardiovascular disease.

That raises an interesting possibility; what if our bodies step up erythritol production to try to fix whatever it is that’s causing problems? We’re trying to heal ourselves and the blood erythritol going up is a sign of that? That’s like saying, “we found you have a high level of (pick an antibiotic…) penicillin in your blood and that’s associated with infections, so the penicillin must be causing infections!”

Which is like saying firemen cause fires because we always find them when buildings are on fire.

(Bob M) #3

If you look at the original study, they divided the blood amount into quartiles. The problem was the graphs showed Q1, Q2, and Q3 (the three lowest) on top of each other, while Q4 was way worse. Whoever the people were in Q4, they were different somehow than the people in Q1-Q3.

(Central Florida Bob ) #4

Further bolstering the argument that the people with the highest blood levels may be the ones most metabolically damaged. Using more? Producing more endogenously? Maybe both?

(Bob M) #5

Yeah, it could be any of those. I think the language they used went beyond the evidence.