Avocados cheapest place to buy UK?

(Allie) #21

Peel, take the stone out and half them

(Vincent Hall) #22

I think opposite of peel, I cut in half, remove stone, remove flesh from skin. Peeling would get pretty messy unless the avocado was unripe?

(Allie) #23

Never had a problem as long as they don’t touch during the freezing process, then they stick together and it’s a nightmare :joy:

(Vincent Hall) #24

For sure, I learned this, hence individually wrap in clingfilm. Also helps keep the frost off.

(Rob) #25

They probably have everything on sale at the Salisbury Sainsbury’s, the only UK source for Novichok (sounds like Eastern European candy :flushed:)

(Vincent Hall) #26

May pop in once the kerfuffle has died down a bit.


Lidls usally has a good price on them. I usally get them there or Sainsburys. 6-8 avocados a week £££ :open_mouth:

Worth it though… Love 'cados

(Allan L) #28

ASDA avo’s rock at the moment. Amazing quality for the past 3 weeks. I’ve not sliced one open that has had any bruising or isn’t what I would call grade A and I lived in South Africa for 16 years where you get some of the worlds best avos so consider myself a bit of a avo snob. :wink:

6 months ago I’d never buy from ASDA and would rather pay extra at M&S as every second avo I got from ASDA would end up in the bin but they appear to have fixed this recently.

(Vincent Hall) #29

Thanks for your input.
I’ve bought some green avo’s last weekend thinking I need to wait until they go brown on the outer skin before they are ripe.
Soon became apparent that you can get ripe green skinned avocados as I noticed them getting soft whilst still green.
Might have been common knowledge to avocado experts, but news to me.

(Norma Laming) #30

I think it was on this forum that I read that we shouldn’t buy shiny green, hard avocados as they will go off but never rioen

(Vincent Hall) #31

The shiny green ones do go ripe, but I found the window of opportunity can be harder to catch. They seemed fine though, yhr pnrs I tried anyway. I suspect it’s more to do with how they are stored for travel and prior to arriving on the shop shelves.