

(Tom Seest) #1

As a frequent user of iPhones and iPad, I’m often plagued by AutoCarrot.

So, does anyone know if AutoCarrot is Keto? And, if so, what is the carb count? I need to be tracking these things.

(Jennie) #2

I think if you pee on your phone it’ll give you the carb count. Because science. Also, if you blow into the speaker really hard, it’ll give you more points in the game if you have acetone breath.

(Tom Seest) #3

Great ideas…I like how you thinks…

(Jennie) #4

My brain is 75% ketones now. (Mind you, I’m not burning them, they’ve just replaced the brain cells.) So I’m super smart about all things carrot and urine.

(Guardian of the bacon) #5

I’m going to refer you to FROSTY as the seasonal expert on this subject. You might want to be in touch soon however as he is melting fast in this whacky weather.

(Jennie) #6

@jfricke, I’m sure FROSTY NOSE all about it! :smiley:

(G. Andrew Duthie) #7

There needs to be a :groan: emoji. Or :facepalm:

: rolling_eyes: :rolling_eyes: is close


Mine is definitely keto. It keeps replacing “keep” with keto.

You have no idea how difficult it was to type that sentence! ^^


My brain is 75% ketones now. (Mind you, I’m not burning them, they’ve just replaced the brain cells.)

I had the same thing over the holidays, but with alcohol. I suspect I had much less positive results than you did. :slight_smile:

(G. Andrew Duthie) #10

Me, too! :grin: