Ate Non-keto

(Darran Rees) #1

So I joined a few days ago and I was such full of enthusiasm! The very next day I was meeting a friend for coffee. I’ve been on keto a good few weeks now so I knew going for coffee would mean asking for cream instead of milk and spending 5 minutes looking at the cakes, thinking up any valid justification I could to eat one before eventually saying NO!

The venue is a lovely location, overlooking the coast and a golf course. We chatted so long that lunch turned into tea time. When I eventually got hungry I ordered a starter of olives and goats cheese drizzled with oil. We texted our other halves to come meet us when they finished work. Feeling relaxed and chilled, I’d clearly made a subconscious decision and carbs were now on the menu. Carbs seem to equal good time. I started things off with a glass of red wine…that glass led to 3…and that led to ordering a cajun chicken burger and chunky chips. I won’t lie, I enjoyed every bite and I ate it guilt-free…even though I expected to feel like total crap the next day. It gets worse. With the intoxication and the friday feeling in full swing, on our way home we all cheered for a McDonalds and it was game over. I woke up next to empty wrappers and a McFlurry container.

Nothing I could do now. The Damage was done. I tried my best not to beat myself up for giving in. I’m new to keto, I’m finding I’m eating the same things all the time and I needed variety. Something I need to work on.

The next day (yesterday) I was working a nice long 12hr shift. To attempt to undo some of the damage, Exercise was out of the question so I opted to fast - and couldn’t really believe what happened! I expected a total day of lethargy, anxiety and feeling down in the dumps (what a normal carb diet does to me). I felt bright as a button. Around 10am I grabbed myself a Costa americano (black) from downstairs and I coasted with ease to 4pm, when I kinda started to feel like I should perhaps eat, even though I still wasn’t hungry. No hunger. Zero cravings. Boundless energy. It may have had to do in part with starting the day with now full glycogen stores but even when I was a carb eater I never felt that good while intermittent fasting.

Zero hunger. Zero cravings. I’m wondering if this means I’ve turned a corner with Keto? Today I am fasting again, having not eaten since 9pm last night. It’s now almost 2pm and I’m not thinking about food at all or having cravings. I’m still learning what my body is all about and how it regulates but it never fails to surprise me! There will however be a big keto feast later when I break it. I’m mindful not to under-eat.

Any others experience anything like this with their ‘cheats’ ?

(Rob) #2

Social engagements can be challenging for sure.

Coming up with sensible swaps for foods while you’re out can help.
eg, swap potatoes or onion rings for side salad, broccoli, eggs or mushrooms. I have found all restaurants I have been to recently to be very helpful in that regard.

I’ve not had your experience with my cheats, I always feel like crap the day after and I usually don’t lose any weight for a week afterwards. It might be just what I ate on those particular occasions, but as I’m really want to lose a load of weight before I go on holiday at Easter, I’m less inclined to experiment on myself at the moment. Hopefully someone else can give a suggestion as to what was happening.

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #3

It takes time to develop a habit. Going full keto without thinking about it will, eventually, become habit and turning down carbs will become second nature. People also slip up. Hopefully it’s just occasionally. When you’re well fat adapted (and insulin sensitive) and you slip up, your body will deal with the sugar and carbs and then merrily switch back to ketosis with no fuss. Realize that slipping up just means a delay to your keto plans. It’s not the end of the world. :slight_smile:.

Edit: some folks have found that the occasional carb up is beneficial for them. N=1 seems to be strong in the keto community.


My Philosophy: since I don’t assign moral judgements to my eating habits, there is no concept of “cheat” for me. Some foods have greater nutritional value than others, and I try to eat nutrient dense foods most of the time, but when I don’t, I don’t. It’s not a cheat, it’s a choice.

My Practice: as an insulin resistant (non diabetic) person, I’ve found fasting is a great (quick, painless) way to drop my blood glucose levels when I’ve eaten above my carb tolerance. When elevated, it normally takes about 12-18 hours of fasting for my BG to drop by 10-15 points. If I combine it with exercise, it drops 25-30 points.

My goal is to stay in a state of ketosis. This is a function of what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat.


I have the same experience after a non keto treat. I only do those after being very strict with myself for a couple weeks and I have that non keto treat at night so I don’t eat crappy all day. I usually chose donuts eat no more than 3 wake up the next day feeling fabulous, full of energy, no hunger until at least late afternoon. I am very productive on those days. I also don’t have any health issues so it may effect people differently if they had problems with insulin. It also throws me into a non planned intermittent fasting for a few days afterwards too.