Yes, sleep is very important. Not only does a lack of sleep often cause us to eat more carbs, it adversely affects how our body manages blood sugar. I’d definitely make that a priority.
Ask Coach Allan
Bodyweight exercises are a great way to start!
The core tenant to start, go at a cadence that is comfortable. One that you can perform the movement with good form, and that doesn’t push you past the red line (getting winded). I would recommend doing the work every third day (two days between each workout day). Mix in some walking and mobility work on the other days.
I’d do three sets of 10 repetitions to start with a rest of 60 seconds between each set. A bodyweight workout of this sort shouldn’t have much of a cortisol hit. And a little bit of cortisol is not a bad thing. And as you get stronger and more fit, even less so.
Congrats on getting started!
Excellent, thank you so much! One last Q: should I do all of one type and then all of the other, or mix them? Meaning: 10X3 squats w/1 min between the three, and then 10X3 wall presses w/1min between the three, or 10 squats + 10 wall presses, 1 min rest, repeat 2x more. ??
Either way is fine.
The first approach is just a sets and rep training session. The second is a circuit. Both work.
It really depends on your goals, but it is seldom necessary to go to failure. That’s old bro-science. All your muscle needs is a stimulus and it will adapt. Therefore, progression and consistency are the most important things.
I’ve been on and off “low carb” for 2 years. I recently (Feb 11) went full Keto and have officially lost 60lbs. I’m 5lbs away from my goal. I want to start incorporating exercise but I definitely benefit more from strength/weight training as I have done it in the past (I’m not much of a cardio girl lol) but I was wondering if I should change my macros?
“This is the first time Madiberry2110 has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!”
Of course
@Madiberry2110 A big warm welcome to the community!
Enjoy the wealth of knowledge and info
Good luck
If you start weight lifting you may want to up your protein so you can properly recover from the work.
On a side note, I’d encourage you to take pictures. When you start lifting, you’re likely to gain weight (water at first and then some muscle). If you have some predetermined goal weight, there may be a conflict with having better body composition.
I just remembered a question which I’ve had for a while. I’m doing lazy keto because it’s healthier (than swd) , and just started working out because I need more strength and want more bulk. I’ll be relying on measure tape more than the scale for this whole body project, but I still have questions about weight.
BMI is not the best way to calculate a good body weight, as it doesn’t care about body composition. I am 161 cm tall, and somewhat heavy bones seem to run in the family. What is a normal weight for a well built (muscular) female person at this height? And for a male? I’ll accept a weight range for an answer, as I realise this isn’t just simple maths.
Ok, healthier than swd. And much healthier than having sweets every time I’m too lazy to cook.
I did my first day Wednesday, my next day is tomorrow. I was surprised by how sore my thighs and butt were! Not my knees, though, which I’m proud of because I think that means my form is good.
From my wall presses my mid-back got very sore. I feel like my form is less good for those. Should my elbows be out or pulled in to my sides?
I’ll struggle to give you a weight, but instead will let you back into that number for your own height and muscle mass.
Women should look to get bodyfat percentage below 20% and men should target below 15%. While these are not bodybuilder or physique model levels (about half of that for each), it is a level that will have you lean and healthy. A dexa scan is the gold standard for bodyfat (and bone density) measurement. If you truly are heavy boned, that would confirm it and let you know where you stand much better than BMI or weight.
Yes, the wall can be difficult because folks tend to hyperextend the back to keep their face from hitting the wall. You may want to try the kitchen counter (just be sure to wear slip resistant shoes if you have a tile floor). Your hands should be shoulder-width apart and your elbows should be out from the body at 30 - 45%. You should feel it in your chest, so adjust your elbows until you feel it best.
These numbers are lower than I think I’ve heard lately. Is that just because in the midst of our obesity epidemic that 22–25% (for women) seems like the best we can do? Or is it that 22–25% is average, but 18–19% is actually lean? How much of a variation would you suggest with age, if any? For example, I’m in my early 50s and 18–19% seems much lower than is recommended for women my age. Is the number slightly higher because it’s healthier for older women, or because everyone thinks it’s more realistic?
I was approaching the question from someone with above average musculature. Current healthy ranges are less than 35% for women and less than 25% for men. Yes, age does play into it. A woman in her 50’s may struggle to get below 25%, however for a woman eating keto, it is certainly possible.
I would like to add, your optimal bodyfat percentage may be different. Do what makes you feel good, feel good, and enjoy the lifestyle you enjoy. I’m best at 19 - 24%. I’d look a lot better at 15%, but my weight lifting suffers and well, I’m a guy and like lifting heavy things.
Thanks a lot for both posts. It’s good to know that the professional trainer, who is not a bmi-focused doctor, will give choices rather than a set number. All the information you gave in them should probably be given their own stickie, as I see a lot of people who struggle with weight obsession or eating disorders. Healthy is really more about having enough, but not too much, of everything that you need.
I’ll keep this in mind while working on getting to where I feel good, and try out what it feels like to look good (what I think I should look like, which most likely won’t be easy to reach at all). The heavy bones would be nice to have, they were definitely heavy in childhood, but a poor diet may have ruined them quite a bit by now.
I have one that does body fat %. I can’t say if it is accurate in terms of percentage however I can say this. The higher the number the fatter I am and the lower the leaner I am.