Ask Coach Allan

(Allan Misner) #23

To get a six-pack, you’ll have to do two things:

  1. Cut your body fat to less than 9% (even better if it is around 5%).
  2. Dehydrate yourself.

Neither of these is particularly healthy. So, I’m glad you were kidding.

(Allan Misner) #24

Okay, they’ve set up a channel under exercise for Ask Coach Allan (Thanks, Carl).

Now you can ask your questions there as a topic and the thread won’t be as hard to follow.

See you there:

(Troy) #25


Fueling ( fat - adapted )
What are your recommendations for food and fasting ?
For this scenario , 45-60 minute moderate cycle ride.

I enjoy exercising or working out during an IF fast :smile:
Just like many others
It works for me

How do you educate your clients?
Eat before or eat after?
What time eating window if so?
Protein or carbohydrates?

Or Fast…:smile:
I mention all this bcuz it goes against conventional WOE and guidelines and I’m guessing your NASM training course as well
I’m sure you can share many examples or stories :rofl:

Thank You

(Running from stupidity) #26

Hey Troy,

you might want to make this a separate topic in the section -

(Troy) #27

Thanks @juice
Sounds like a plan!

Just not sure how to merge it over there :wink:
Unless someone else can perhaps

(Running from stupidity) #28

Just created a topic. Tell me if you want anything changed.

(Karen) #29

Thank you and no I haven’t asked for a release. No sure my right shoulder could do a swim stroke.



I decided to try Keto after reading that it could improve endurance & recovery. I was intrigued with the wide variety of health benefits by following a Keto lifestyle. I am feeling great and it is easy to follow and I don’t have sugar cravings anymore. I will try taking smashed bananas in a baggie while I run. That should be fairly easy to swallow while running. Thanks.

(Allan Misner) #31

I didn’t mean so much for swimming as much as just moving against water resistance.

I’d try resistance bands.

(Claire ) #32


Hi, I’m Claire’s husband, Dan. Wanted to ask you a question about loss of muscle mass when beginning keto. I’m a 54 year old, 5’8" male. I’m generally fit and exercise regularly (165 lb, 14.3% body fat, 5 days/week at Orange Theory Fitness, etc.). I started eating keto five weeks ago and have been tracking body composition daily, recording my results weekly. I’ve also been doing a 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol/time restricted eating. I’ve noticed that in those five weeks I have lost 6.1 lb, 0.7% body fat, 0.4% subcutaneous fat, and 1 lb of visceral fat - all good. But I’ve also lost 4 lb of muscle mass according to the scale. That’s a little alarming and I wondered if I’m doing anything wrong to cause that? It was my understanding that keto and intermittent fasting would maintain muscle while reducing fat. Appreciate your thoughts.

(Allan Misner) #33

Electrical impedance is not all that reliable, so I’d take the data with a grain of salt. More than likely, much of that loss was water.

Beyond that, Orange Theory tends to focus on the cardio aspects with some strength work. It is not a mass building protocol. I’d consider mixing in some resistance work (lift heavy things) and make sure you’re getting adequate protein.

(Running from stupidity) #34

Allan is being polite. Those scales are BS for anything besides weight.


Hi Coach:

Last month I decided to get a blood monitor to see what my level of Ketones and Blood Glucose were - I was shocked when I read my glucose level after working out. My BG, after exercising, was 175 and it has been as high as 220 since I have been monitoring. (I do HIIT, SIIT, some weights, etc, usually in a fasted state) After I eat or later in the day it goes back to normal. I went to my Dr and he tested my Blood sugar and A1c, as well as a full metabolic panel, and all is good. Can you help me understand what is going on? (my ketone readings are generally between .8 and 1.5)

I’m 5’7" 130lbs (F). I have been Keto for approx 8 months and doing well. I have always worked out and have no health conditions (other than endometriosis)

(Allan Misner) #36

The most likely explanation is that your liver is releasing glycogen for use by the muscles. Insulin plays a role in storing excess blood glucose, but it is also involved in shuttling glucose to the muscles. I wouldn’t worry about it. People make a villain of insulin, but it is a very important hormone that we need to be healthy.

(Brenna) #37

When doing cardio, should one shorten their IF and increase carbs?

I accidentally did strength training and a dance class today. Big mistake.

was exhausted and sooooo hungry.

(Allan Misner) #38

I wish there was a simple answer. There are a lot of underlying issues/things to consider:

  1. Why are you eating keto? If it is for therapeutic reasons then you might now want the carbs. If it is for weight loss then it might be ok to take in additional carbs and go out of ketosis for a short time.
  2. Are you sure it isn’t just electrolytes? I’ve found a glass of water and some Himalayan sea salt kill the hunger when I’m in keto.
  3. What is your carb tolerance? Some of us have to keep our carbs under 25 grams to stay in ketosis but others can go upwards of 50 or so (especially very active folks).
  4. Have you considered carb timing. Perhaps timing your carbs to just before your cardio will be good to keep you going.

I’d consider/experiment with each of these and see what works best for you.

(Brenna) #39

I have pcos. I may try getting a regular doctor and getting back on metformin. I will try the electrolytes.

For carb tolerance, I tend to stay under 30 net carbs. Unless i’m incredibly sleep deprived and then I eat way too many carbs.


Hi Coach,
I have been doing non-tracking keto since the first week of January. My focus is feeling better mentally and physically, and allowing my body to release fat as it sees fit. So, I’m in no rush.

I would like to add in some bodyweight exercises because I know I feel better emotionally when I feel stronger. I’m still carrying a LOT of extra weight.

I would like to know what is a good starting point and cadence if I wanted to do bodyweight squats and wall presses (I’m not strong enough for knee pushups yet)? Should I be doing it daily? Should I be working in sets? All at once or spread over the day? Should I be taking a rest day or am I doing little enough that I can do it daily? What will make me get stronger without increasing cortisol too much?

(Allan Misner) #41

Yes, sleep is very important. Not only does a lack of sleep often cause us to eat more carbs, it adversely affects how our body manages blood sugar. I’d definitely make that a priority.

(Allan Misner) #42

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to start!

The core tenant to start, go at a cadence that is comfortable. One that you can perform the movement with good form, and that doesn’t push you past the red line (getting winded). I would recommend doing the work every third day (two days between each workout day). Mix in some walking and mobility work on the other days.

I’d do three sets of 10 repetitions to start with a rest of 60 seconds between each set. A bodyweight workout of this sort shouldn’t have much of a cortisol hit. And a little bit of cortisol is not a bad thing. And as you get stronger and more fit, even less so.

Congrats on getting started!