Arizona State University Keto Q&A

(Ben) #1

Looks like this ASU professor of nutrition needs to go back to school:

(Mike Glasbrener) #2

His article is so full of contradictions. Atheletes like LeBron James are keto but then he says atheletes need carbs… The brain runs on glucose… I guess my brain died on the 60hr fast I just completed? The article just echos “common knowledge” w/o any citations. Arghhh… I hate misinformation.

(KetoCowboy) #3

Echoing common knowledge is all the nutritionists/dietitians have left. They must rely on naked propaganda now that they can’t buy enough bad science to support their position.

(Mike Glasbrener) #4

I don’t think it’s bad intentions. It’s just that there’s no huge money to be made for directing people to “go keto”. Thus there’s not much funding for research to educate and back professional’s advice. Also, by going against their profession’s guidelines they risk professional backlash.