Are all carbs born and digested equal? Or: Getting Away With Being Italian


Update of the update of the update.
Yesterday I have provoked my metabolism slightly increasing the amount of carb. To the two glasses of cider with my meat, sauerkraut and mushrooms I have added a big salad (of the Italian kind as discussed yesterday). This was eaten alone with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Himalayan salt, pepper and some lemon juice. It was so big I ate it straight from the salad bowl (but of course salad makes a big volume).
This morning my keto levels as per breath analyser were very high.
Tonight I might add to my provocations by drinking a pint of beer with the meat instead of the two glasses of cider. Around 15g of carbs. Then I will eat another big salad. Then I might add something else. The aim is to see how much I can get away with whilst still remaining in a strong ketosis.

(KM) #42

How’s the experiment coming?

Just wanted to mention, the grocery has all their Thanksgiving supplies displayed, and i did notice that Essenhaus Amish Egg Noodles are made with durum flour, eggs and little else - and on sale for $1.89 per 1 lb bag (ordinarily $3.99, which still isn’t bad.) They’re definitely a full-on carb product, not keto, but as per the discussion above, maybe more in line with what you want??


Good going!

Just one thing to be wary of:

If you are using a ketone breath analyser it actually uses a sensor to measure acetone levels and similar chemical analogues.

I beleive any alcohol you expire in your breath will skew the reading artificially high to indicate high ketosis when this may in fact not be the case.

I would retry the n=1 experiment without alcohol but introduce small amount of food only carbs instead…and then compare. Just a suggestion, just in case.

Another way to bypass the carb factor of pasta noodles etc. is use konjac products.
Not the same, but smothered in olive oil and a low carb pasta meat sauce it does definitely scratch the nostagia itch. I use this (Amazon purchase):
…and produce meaty concoctions like this:

Good luck!


So, I stayed in ketosis until I flew to Italy on the Sunday. This means I can eat a pint of beer and two vegetable tortillas with cheeses without getting out of ketosis. Got out of ketosis with the pizza on Sunday evening as I fasted all day Sunday.

Then I spent one full week in Rome, eating… as the Romans do. I also walked an awful lot, though, which certainly helped to burn those carbs.

I flew back on Sunday in a minimal state of ketosis. For dinner, I ate one of those not-so-low-carb pizza from “Bfree”. Moderately satisfying, but still 60g carbs per full pizza (their trick is to say that one portion is half pizza. Funny, nodoby thinks that way in Rome). This and the beer kicked me out of ketosis, but evidently not in a very dramatic manner.

Yesterday keto all day and, again, I was clearly in ketosis since late morning.

This morning I had the highest acetone reading ever (37 ppm). I have been fasting since.

It seems to me that I am finding a workable, or “sustainable”, rhythm. Monday to Friday will be an all keto regime with, in case, some carbs that I know I can eat and get away with. On the weekend it will be carbs in moderation (proper pasta, proper risotto or the like). Tuesday to Friday (when I go to work), will also be OMAD days.

I do not plan to eat low-carb-carbs on the weekends, and I will not each much of those during the week, either.

Tonight I will start with a salad (only oil, vinegar and salt), then it will be broccoli and mushrooms with butter and mascarpone, and two salmon fillets on the pan. Then I might add a couple of sausages ,or even a steak, with some sauerkraut if I still feel hungry.

Five days a week is quite feasible, then I know the weekend will be coming soon…

The little acetone measuring machine is a great little purchase. Highly recommended.

I forgot: my weight loss was immediately noticed by my relatives in Italy. This, after some three weeks of OMAD or keto. Encouraging.

As I write this is 2:30 PM, and I have no desire whatsoever to eat. Water and black coffee are plenty enough. This OMAD thing becomes decidedly easier with practice.