Arctic gene - CPTA1 Arctic Variant Discussion

(Sarah Hung) #1

An article came on my facebook feed,
‘Arctic gene’ that poses risks when fasting is found in many more infants now that DNA testing has begun

In the article it talks about how people, but especially babies, with this gene must eat often and not fast. It is a genetic condition that slows the body’s ability to burn fat for energy.

But what they don’t say in the article if this a problem if the person is fat adapted. It seem to make the assumption that everyone is a glucose burner.
“The gene poses a risk for people who fast for prolonged periods, because their bodies cannot produce needed glucose from fat.”

The article also says, “The characteristic is presumed to have provided advantages in the past, possibly by reducing the health risk of obesity and by increasing the body’s ability to insulate itself with fat.”

Does anyone have any insight they can share with me?

(Sarah Hung) #2

I found a powerpoint, The Arctic Variant of CPT-1A by Matthew Hirschfeld, MD/PhD, Department of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Alaska Native Medical Center, Anchorage, AK at

On page 23 and 24 he talks about the ketogenic diet

Ketogenic Diet When Ketogenesis Is Not Working Well?

  • The Arctic variant of CPT-1A might be advantageous to people observing a traditional diet because of its insensitivity to malonyl-CoA

  • If a ketogenic diet has to be interrupted due to lack of fatty foods, the sudden disruption causes severe weakness, nausea, and headaches

  • Overcome by eating more carbohydrates, which are not readily available in the Arctic

  • Non ketogenic diet most common at the end of winter, when low-fat meat is consumed–more muscle glycogen

  • If the Arctic variant of CPT-1A is not inhibited by malonyl CoA with carbohydrate ingestion, then ketogenesis would tend to continue, and the malaise would occur less frequently and less severely

  • Could allow for increased survival in a unforgiving environment


“The mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids is initiated by the sequential action of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (which is located in the outer membrane and is detergent-labile) and carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (which is located in the inner membrane and is detergent-stable), together with a carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase. CPT I is the key enzyme in the carnitine-dependent transport across the mitochondrial inner membrane and its deficiency results in a decreased rate of fatty acid beta-oxidation. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene”

I see “decreased rate of fatty acid beta-oxidation”, I don’t see that they can’t metabolize fats, just that there’s a decreased rate in people with the gene.

The original article also doesn’t define “prolonged fast”, so it’s hard to know at what point this would become a factor.

I think that someone with this gene in modern society could supplement with over-the-counter carnitine since it’s the deficiency of the enzyme and not problem with it functioning in the first place.

(Todd Allen) #4

Here is Chris Masterjohn’s discussion of this topic. I’m not yet convinced his conclusions are right and would like to learn more about this.


(Sarah Hung) #6

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about! Maybe I need to watch his earlier videos but …
My understanding is that the Arctic variant of CPT-1A stops you getting glucose from fat. But if you ere fat adapted would you need to get glucose from fat? Does the Arctic variant of CPT-1A stop you producing ketones? I thought it stopped you switching between fat adaption and glucose adaption. If my understanding is correct (and that’s a big if) then it works against Chris Masterjohn’s argument.

(Todd Allen) #7

I don’t believe anyone gets much glucose from fat. The glycerol backbone of a triglyceride can contribute to gluconeogenesis but in general I think protein is the much greater contributor. Fats though can dramatically reduce the need for glucose, especially through ketone production. And a primary effect of the arctic CPT-1A variant is to slash ketone production to roughly 1/5th of normal.

I speculate the arctic genetic variations shifts them to a greater tolerance/utilization of protein for energy via gluconeogenesis which otherwise drives ketone production higher and thus spares fatty acids from being used to fuel the brain through ketosis perhaps so they are more available for thermogenesis in brown(ed) adipose or muscle.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #8

I’m resurrecting this topic to reference the following link. Unlike Chris Masterjohn ref’d above by @brownfat, I do not see this genetic variation as being any indication/evidence that our ancestors were not nor intended by nature to be in continuous, long term, life-long ketosis. Masterjohn is basically buying into the argument that ketosis is an unusual, emergency metabolic state to tide us over until we can start eating carbs again. I think that argument fails because there is little/no evidence that prior to the agricultural revolution carbohydrates were anything more than a minor supplement to the primarily meat/fat diet of our hominid ancestors for hundreds of thousands if not several million years. See this.

I find the argument implausible that a subgroup of humans who lived for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands years in an environment in which carbohydrates were totally absent developed a genetic mutation that made them dependent upon consuming carbohydrates to survive. They would have gone extinct within a year of developing such a thing. Yet, instead, they thrived for thousands of generations. I’m willing to accept that we probably don’t yet know exactly what went on for all those thousands of years and generations of Inuit. But what I’m very sure did not happen was that this genetic variation impeded their ability to metabolize fats in any significant manner and probably enhanced that ability in some way.

CPT1A imports long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria for use in fatty-acid oxidation. This helps to maintain energy homeostasis and normoglycemia when carbohydrate intake is low.27 The extent to which the c.1436C>T mutation contributes to disorders associated with CPT1 deficiency, such as hypoketotic hypoglycemia and sudden infant death syndrome, is still unclear. The derived allele has been reported as being deleterious in both the homozygous and the heterozygous state. Yet, its phenotypic effect might depend upon many environmental factors, e.g., feeding history, infection, and climate.13, 27 It is known that the mutation decreases fatty-acid oxidation and ketogenesis, explaining its role in hypoketotic hypoglycemia.13, 28 However, there is also evidence that the mutation decreases the inhibitory effect of malonyl-CoA on fatty-acid β-oxidation in mitochondria, thereby partially compensating for the drop in ketogenesis associated with reduced CPT1A activity.13, 28 A study on Alaskan Yup’iks also suggests that the c.1436C>T mutation might exert a cardioprotective role through its association with elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and reduced adiposity.28 Moreover, the large amounts of n-3 polyenoic fatty acids in the traditional diet of these aboriginal peoples are known to increase the activity of CPT1A.13, 28 In this context, the CPT1A-activity decrease due to the c.1436C>T mutation could be protective against overproduction of ketone bodies.13 These important metabolic effects of CPT1A provide the basis of our hypothesis that the c.1436C>T mutation might have conferred a metabolic advantage for the Northeast Siberian populations in dealing with their traditional high-fat diet. The deleterious effect of the mutation might be explained by a change from the traditional diet to a more carbohydrate-based one or by recent cultural shifts and environmental stressors such as fasting and pathogens.

In conclusion, CPT1A c.1436C>T joins the short list of known human variants where ill health in present-day populations is a likely consequence of the same variant’s being selectively advantageous in the past. Compared with the sickle cell allele rs334 (associated with sickle cell disease [MIM 603903] and malaria resistance [MIM 611162])31 or rs73885319, rs60910145, and rs71785313 in apolipoprotein L-I ( APOL1 [MIM 603743], associated with kidney disease [FSGS4 (MIM 612551)] and sleeping-sickness resistance32), the c.1436C>T allele shares the property of altering a protein sequence. However, unlike the sickle cell allele, it does not represent an example of heterozygous advantage but instead provides an advantageous or disadvantageous effect dependent on the environment. In this way, it extends the range of selective forces contributing to current ill health beyond infectious diseases. It illustrates the medical relevance of an evolutionary understanding of our past and suggests that evolutionary impacts on health might be more prevalent than currently appreciated.

(Bunny) #9

You get Vitamin C easily from plants and certain organ meats and endocrine glands of animals not just glucose. When your only eating muscle meats your going to be Vitamin C deficient.

Muscle meats are not easily eaten raw so they were usually discarded by the Eskimo.

If your were burning 100% ketones for energy constantly it would kill you and/or damage your brain, it would be like soaking your brain in pure acetone, your body won’t allow that to happen for for too long of a time.

Ketones are waste byproduct that is re-used as energy in case it runs out of glucose. There is no evidence that Eskimo’s were ever in ketosis. It seems like it was more of an amino acid quasi-glucose type metabolism than fatty acid (ketosis)?

As Dr. Ali points out here:


A lot of assumptions and misunderstandings. Humans can make their own Vitamin C but I’m not going to prove it now.

How can anyone burn 100% ketones for energy or even have control in burning 100% ketones for energy?

Cells burn long chain fatty acids directly in the mitochondria as fuel instead of ketones in the long run. Too many cells to wait for the liver to produce ketones. :wink:

(Bunny) #11

Also if the brain senses too many ketones it will turn around a make fructose directly (itself) to neutralize the ketones…

”…In all cases so far studied, the inability to synthesize vitamin C is due to mutations in the L-gulono-γ-lactone oxidase (GLO) gene which codes for the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the last step of vitamin C biosynthesis. …” …More

I have a hypothesis that the salivary glands might produce Vitamin C if the diet is right?

Or something in the saliva trip hammers the adrenal glands and liver to make Vitamin C?

My opinion is the body prefers to burn amino acids first then short chained fatty acids, long chained fatty acids are much more difficult to burn, but that is just theory for now…


It’s not a mutation. It is how it is suppose to be. Why do we produce L-Gulonolactone and have it in our blood if we can’t eventually produce Vitamin C?

Plus there isn’t enough Vitamin C in nature to meet our demands.


(Bunny) #13

[1] “…Mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation (FAO) is essential for energy production, in particular, during periods of fasting and other metabolic stress conditions. Fatty acids are oxidized in a cycle of four subsequent reactions: dehydrogenation, hydration, a second dehydrogenation and thiolytic cleavage. …” …More

[2] Loss of Hepatic Mitochondrial Long-Chain
Fatty Acid Oxidation Confers Resistance
to Diet-Induced Obesity and Glucose Intolerance.

What this most likely proves is that disabling fatty acid oxidation in the liver when it should really take place in the gut (short chained fatty acids); rather than the liver being subject to oxidative stress makes you resistant to glucose intolerance and high fat diet adipose fat storage?

”…Beta-oxidation is primarily facilitated by the mitochondrial trifunctional protein, an enzyme complex associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, although very long chain fatty acids are oxidized in peroxisomes. …” …More

[3] “…SCFAs and MCFAs exert no or only weak protonophoric and lytic activities in mitochondria and do not significantly impair the electron transport in the respiratory chain. SCFAs and MCFAs modulate mitochondrial energy production by two mechanisms: they provide reducing equivalents to the respiratory chain and partly decrease efficacy of oxidative ATP synthesis. …” …More

(Bunny) #14

A mutation in the sense it has been disabled, something and what ever that something is turned the switch to the off position?

I have a hunch that if you could turn it on there would be no obesity or diabetes because you would not crave sugar?

Plenty of Vitamin C in nature but refined sugar has taken its place.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #15

No one claims that the brain can run on 100% ketones and that it doesn’t need any glucose. No one claims that we don’t need some glucose for other cells lacking mitochondria. The claim is that we do not need to eat carbs to get it. Gluconeogenesis synthesizes all we need. All we have to eat is enough fat and protein to provide fuel, raw materials for maintenance/repair and replacement, and ingredients for gluconeogenesis to create the small amount of glucose we need.

(Bunny) #16

No argument posed on needing carbs to get it, the problem is there other things in those carbs that neutralize the effect of the sugars they contain and actually mimic the effects of fasting without having to fast.

Your claim is “all we need?” You forget about the hundreds of other micronutrients and phytonutrients nutrients the human body also “needs.”

The problem with that kind of thinking is that “all you need“ is steering wheel and that makes the car, who needs a metal frame, an engine or seats to sit in, you would not look so well walking down the street with a steering wheel in your hand waving at people as you walk by?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #17

Nonsense. Fat and meat contain all the micros as well as macros required. We evolved to eat fat and meat and flourish for a very long time. It’s only recently (12k years) that we’ve started eating carbs in more than small and incidental amounts - and doing so has been a nutritional disaster from the get go.

(Bunny) #18

And cooking our food is what made our brains bigger but you need resistant starch to kick start the process to develop a bigger brain (how to make friction to start a fire) to figure out that you can cook the food your eating.

Your type of thinking is they only ate steak and muscle meats? Try organ and endocrine glands? Our ancestors were not eating what your eating right now (muscle meats) except eggs?

Do you know how hard it is for a human to eat raw meats especially muscle meats and even some fish; swallow whole don’t try to chew …lol, definitely not eating only raw meat, many types lush flora was eaten including sea weed, roots, tubers, wild fruit, that probably had less sugar than domesticated fruits. at no point in time did we only eat meat and fat.

Drinking the raw blood and milk of animals is were your going to get most of your adequate nutritional needs met completely?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #19

You presume a lot. Most of it nonsense. I need resistant starch about as much as a subscription to Lady’s Home Journal.

(Bunny) #20

You also presume a lot does that mean everything you say is absolute fact and I must accept that as the holy grail of knowledge?

Anything anyone else presumes or speculates on is “nonsense?“

We speculate and try to reach logical conclusions which I’m assuming you know more about than any body else?

I like to investigate deeply and challenge my own ideas and other people’s ideas, theories or hypothesis so I can learn what nobody seems to be capable of explaining correctly.

When people stop wondering they must accept what’s laid out before them and accept the consequences of not knowing what they could have known because they stop questioning all possibilities.

You never know there may be one little blurb that someone says that could open doors to endless dimensions of understanding and resolutions to the problem.