Anyone do ZC OMAD?

(PrimalRhino) #21

I did that eating 2 skipping 1 meal for about 3 weeks because it worked with my work schedule, and felt good. I just kinda fell into that pattern. Doesn’t work as well when I’m home every night for dinner with the family.

(Neal) #22

I tried… brought back my migraines after 4 days.

I now stick to a 14/10. As I eat breakfast at around 8am and dinner at 6pm. I’m playing around with the size of my meals at the moment to see if it improves my issues with sleep. So larger meal in the morning and smaller at night.


Congrats on reversing T2D. I have been dabbling off an on in carnivore but I waited too long and was diagnosed T2D last month. I switched to this way of eating and I have already got my numbers down. I am mixing IF with carnivore.


I’ve been on one meal a day for about 25 years, and I do not expect this to change once I get stuck into the Carnivore.

There might be a need for some second meals adjustments in the first weeks of it, 'til I gain a proper understanding of what I’ll need daily, but if I find I need more than the one meal I’ll be starting with, I’ll eventually just add to that one meal instead of eating two.

I think the number of meals you need a day is a function more of slow vs medium vs fast metabolism than anything else, though of course a weight loss regimen can lead to a certain degree of fasting as a means to that end.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #25

You might try eating some salt while you fast, or get it perhaps as tablets or in bone broth. I find that as long as I am conscientous about keeping up my salt intake, I don’t get migraines.

(Neal) #26

I’ll keep that in mind if I ever give it another shot.

(Nicole Howell) #27

I’ve been ZC OMAD for a few months. Lost 30 lbs. Feel amazing. I look like I’ve been going to the gym, but haven’t been once. My energy during the day is amazing. I drink blank coffee throughout the day and eat my meal after work around 6pm. Usually a bowl of ground beef with eggs, or steak, sometimes a bit of cheese. Sometimes add bacon. My only real cheat is hot sauce - love the stuff.
The only negatives I’ve found are dragon breath and pretty bad insomnia. Though my energy throughout the day is crazy, so I guess I just don’t need the sleep? Who knows.
I absolutely love it. I often cheat if I’m on vacation, weekends with friends, etc. I’ll drink, I’ll eat when they eat. I’m not too strict. I never seem to gain much weight back and get right back into it when back to normal schedule and the weightloss just keeps on going.

(Ashley) #28

How many eggs/beef are you doing out of curiosity

(Nicole Howell) #29

I usually fill a big soup bowl full of ground beef and try a single egg or two to put on top. Not sure how much ground beef that would be, but it’s a pretty sizeable amount. I like to keep the yolk runny, which acts like a sauce over the beef. If I do a steak, I’ll usually fry two eggs to put on top.
I eat until stuffd. If I’m still hungry, I eat more until I can’t possible stand another bite. Seems to be the more I eat in that one meal, the more weight I lose.

(Nanci O'Connell) #30

ZC twenty years?!? That’s amazing. What do you eat?— nose to tail?

(Teresa (turtle)) #31

I believe @Elizedge said that Joe and Charlene Andersen are ZC twenty years. :woman_shrugging:t3:

(Cathrine Helle) #32

This is so true! The only times I’m able to just eat by apetite are the rare occasions I have home office with no other appointements :confused: So currently, lunch is at 11 and dinner (varies a bit more) between five and seven. I can’t eat all my food in one sitting, so I need to divide it on two meals, but it’s always a guessing game regarding how much to bring to work :stuck_out_tongue: