Here’s part of a story about the first person we knew of who got Covid-19 in my town. My age (55). 12 days in the ICU on a ventilator. 54 (!!) days total recovery.
Surviving the Virus Article-1.pdf (970.8 KB)
My wife’s niece moved to “upstate” NY. She works with an older man (early 60s?) who was working from his house. He had his 93 year old mother living with him. She got covid they believe from a health aide. She gave it to her son. Both went to the hospital. She sadly passed away; he was in the hospital a week but survived. Supposedly, he has lost 20% capacity of his lungs and heart. The doctors think this might be permanent.
My wife’s sister’s friend (in the US, not sure where, though) lost both parents to covid.
These are the only people verified to have had covid that we know of. We know a few others who think they had covid, but we don’t know the test results.
Anyone else know of local stories?