Any local stories of Covid-19?

(Bob M) #1

Here’s part of a story about the first person we knew of who got Covid-19 in my town. My age (55). 12 days in the ICU on a ventilator. 54 (!!) days total recovery.

Surviving the Virus Article-1.pdf (970.8 KB)

My wife’s niece moved to “upstate” NY. She works with an older man (early 60s?) who was working from his house. He had his 93 year old mother living with him. She got covid they believe from a health aide. She gave it to her son. Both went to the hospital. She sadly passed away; he was in the hospital a week but survived. Supposedly, he has lost 20% capacity of his lungs and heart. The doctors think this might be permanent.

My wife’s sister’s friend (in the US, not sure where, though) lost both parents to covid.

These are the only people verified to have had covid that we know of. We know a few others who think they had covid, but we don’t know the test results.

Anyone else know of local stories?

(Bob M) #2

Another: My wife’s friend’s mother died of covid-19. She was in a nursing home. Those have been punished by covid, in pretty much any country other than some of the Asian countries. I’ve seen estimates of 50%+ deaths due to nursing homes (aka “care homes”) in some states and countries.

My mother is going to an outdoor funeral for this.

(GINA ) #3

One of my coworkers and her husband got it. Both mid-30s and overweight, but I don’t know of any other conditions. They were sick for a couple of weeks at home, then very weak for another week or two. Now both recovered and have tested negative.

(Jessica) #4

My hubby is the tall guy on the wall in the white hat. This is their first recovery (I think in the state). This guy was SICK. They didn’t think he’d make it. Just a nice little add-on, his wife sent food to the unit several times after he went home.

(SammyOlsen) #5

Not all the cases are so happy though


Sister of a friend got it and had high fever and flu symptoms but remained at home and recovered.
Another friend of a friend got it and stayed in bed with fever for a few days.
Both did not infect their partners which is mind boggling. I dont know how many follow up tests were done though.
Another woman I know has friends who are a married couple and both got it. The husband was heavier. He went to the hospital for one night - got oxygen but not ventilated. Both have recovered.
A professor from the university hospital in Frankfurt Germany told reporters that he won’t comment in numbers, but that covid is a virus which affects the inner layer of blood vessels. and they had a few patients who were on dialysis after their recovery. That means their kidney were ruined, not their lungs. When asked if these were younger or older patients, he said both.

(Ron) #8

Latest in my town -

(Bunny) #9

I do not know any one yet but more younger people are dying from this, I think the reason as to why some people die and some people don’t is viral-load (parts per milileter; virus dose, load and shedding) and the variances of time between the innate immune system[1] and acquired immune system[1] and immune-compromised[1].

Wearing a mask and/or face shield is probably what we should be thinking about when it comes to viral-load (dose load to death ratio) and is more than a good idea?

Another thing to consider is permanent de-habilitating damage to your body even if you do recover from it that may not be detectable until a later time?

There may also maybe degrees of immunity where your super immune for two months after being infected but you can still be over-whelmed by a viral load mutation and thus re-infected? Or even at a later time by a weakened immune system?


[1] …expert reaction to questions about COVID-19 and viral load

[2] Does Exposure to Animals Provide Immunity to COVID 19? - Chris Masterjohn

(Doug) #10

One niece, here in the U.S. state of Georgia, had it a couple weeks ago. Fever, tiredness, but she’s 18 years old and no medical problems before. Lymph node on her neck swelled up - it looked like it had a little box inside it, about 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/4" high, or 2 cm x 2 cm x 1 cm. Weird, very artificial looking. She lost all her taste and sense of smell.

Better now, has gotten 2 negative virus tests, smell and taste slowly coming back.

Guy that ran the hair salon in the bottom of our building died. Just a few years older than me, no obvious problems that I could see or that I knew about, beforehand. Killed him fast; surprising.

Another niece, U.S. state of Ohio - works in a hospital, got infected there. Age 24, otherwise healthy. Felt really bad for about a week, but never needed a hospital. Her parents, my brother being her dad, have been very careful about distancing with her. One day before she knew she was positive, she came to their house to use the grill. She had her cat with her, and the cat started playing around with the neighbor’s dog (neighbor is a ~50 year old woman). My brother noticed that my niece and the neighbor got really close to each other in trying to catch and separate the animals…

Neighbor did get the virus, presumably from my niece; symptoms appeared a couple days later for her. Not sure how she ended up, but this niece also recovered entirely fine.

Not so close to me, but still ‘local’ - two or three of my high school teacher wife’s students have grandparents who have died, and one kid’s mother died. Obesity and usually other complications present as well. That and low-income, ethnic/racial factors all pointing to increased risk.

(Ron) #11

This is one that I think is being overlooked at this point in time. I’m afraid it is going to be phase 2 and it scares the beejeebies out of me.

(Doug) #12

There is a lot to be learned yet. My wife and I both have some desire to “get it over with,” i.e. get infected. But, and the “but” is very substantial - there are a lot more people with at least temporary serious problems, even though they ‘recover,’ than there are who die.

Heart damage and lung damage - as far as I know these are the biggest, most frequent things. Then neurological damage, due to strokes or otherwise, leading to coordination/motor control problems or cognitive impairment. Some will get better over time, and some won’t.

It’s possible to have no symptoms yet still get pneumonia and (at least temporary) lung damage:

Kidneys are affected enough times to be of note, and almost no organ is thought to really be exempt. So, when it really comes down to it, we still don’t want to risk it.

(Sarah Chapman) #13

I believe my son contracted Covid in February/March on a school trip back from Austria to the UK. He travelled on a ferry with people coming back from Northern Italy during a storm and many people were very unwell!
He was I’ll for 2 weeks and I came very close to taking him to the children’s hospital one night as he couldn’t catch his breath for coughing. Thankfully I remembered my steamer so he steamed and it settled. During his illness I called the health organisation and our GP repeatedly but as he had not visited Northern Italy they didn’t want to know!
His 4 room mates suffered similarly, one had the ambulance out one night as he struggled to breath.
Following Josh’s recovery I developed a mild irritating cough which lasted about a month. I was tired but not really sick.
My partner (who lives on other side of the city) developed a cough about 3 weeks into lockdown - his daughter has asthma so he came to us. His cough verged on uncontrollable at times but regular steaming definitely helped. At his worst he hung upside down over the side of the bed to manually drain his lungs - this really helped too! We managed to keep him out of hospital thankfully and he completely recovered after 2 weeks! I experienced a few hours of flu like symptoms on the second day after he arrived however i believe I had built up immunity.
I wish everyone good health and growing immunity!


nobody was ever tested???


(Sarah Chapman) #16

No - I called about 5 times asking for tests but he was ill before covid ‘officially’ arrived here! I was stunned when all the health organisation people were concerned about was where he had been! The fact he mixed with a ferry full of people (many from Italy) was of no interest to them!
I spoke to my gp who basically said Josh would be better not being tested as if his condition worsened he would get hospitalised more easily!!!
Utter madness - and we wonder why the disease spread so rapidly. The authorities were in denial for weeks in my opinion.
I am just glad there were no lasting effects for either of my lovely boys.

(Ethan) #17

It looks like immunity lasts only 2 months


That is utter madness. You should go to the press with your story because it is shameful for the authorities. But dont you want an antibody test now? To verify if they are immune now? That would underline the story for the press even more!
But as an aside- I had a short flu at the beginning of Feb and my test was negative. So looks like I just had an ordinary flu and not covid.


I’ve only seen articles with “may”, “suggests”, “hypothetical fear mongering”, etc…

Scientific source by non-medical non-vaccine pushing paper?

(charlie3) #20

A sister in law’s 90 something year old father, in assisted care in NJ got inflected, suffered, may be some permanent setbacks but survived as of today. Last I saw him, more than a decade ago, he was slim and physically active.

(Ethan) #21

Not at all just may… The antibodies have been shown in non-RCTs to rapidly decline. It is still possible that B and T cells can protect, but we do have what we have data that shows antibodies in several declined quickly: