Another Nutritionist Who Doesn't Really Understand Keto


It is refreshing to read a positive article about Keto in the media. The nutritionist, Angela Mavrides, gets it mostly right and seems to know what she is talking about. She lists a whole bunch of health benefits from Keto in the article, then in the last line she shows that she doesn’t really get Keto by saying this:

‘And lastly, remember that the “Keto diet is a somewhat limiting eating plan, and hard to sustain long-term”, so you needn’t follow to it once you’ve achieved your desired weight or fitness goals, unless medically subscribed," Mavridis suggests.’

Huh? If it is giving you the health benefits you mention in the article, why would you ever stop doing Keto? And if the way you were eating previously wasn’t giving you the results you wanted, why who you go back to eating that way? I don’t get it.


In fairness to Angela Mavrides, I can see why she said that, most that are “trying” keto are only motivated by weight loss. You see it quite clearly on this forum, I’d guess that 90% of topics listed here are about weight loss, hence she is speaking to her audience. Having said that there is nothing to say that appealing to vanity is such a bad thing, once someone tries Keto they are very likely to see that it is sustainable and may continue on.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #3

Good article. I have achieved my ideal weight and definitely will KCKO. If Keto got me to my ideal weight, what on earth would I go back to? I love the food, and get away with a “cheat” meal every few weeks. I’m here for life!


Because they have chocolate and candy advertisers to keep happy?


Yes, I agree this WOE is sustainable and beneficial to continue. For me, I can’t imagine eating any other way.

But why in practically every article about Keto does it mentions that “it is too restrictive” and. “it is unstainable”? Do they ever say that about the vegan diet? I know there are people that stick with it for many years even though it is practically an entire diet of rabbit food. The vegan diet is unstainable and too restrictive for me. I wouldn’t last long.

I think it has become a cliche and many nutritionist just repeat it without thinking.

Just bugs me because it is such an idiotic statement.


That makes two of us.

(Ethan) #7

As with other eating plans, keto diet isn’t suitable for anyone. It "may not be appropriate for those with medical conditions, such as diabetes or ailments related to kidneys, pancreas or liver.

It isn’t suitable for ANYONE? NOBODY AT ALL? That’s what this author wrote. FAIL!

(Ethan) #8

Also note that she says that other eating plans are also not suitable for anyone. I guess she thinks nobody should have any eating plans.


I think she’s leaning toward this. We’ve had it right all along, why change now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Although one could say this is technically a “plan”, so maybe not. :wink:

(Ethan) #10

Nope. What she wrote means that no eating plan is for anybody–ever. It’s clear a grammatical mistake, but it disqualifies her from any public or private writing.


I think too many in the diet industry rely on lack of willpower, and people giving up.
KETO, is absolutely sustainable as long as you relax into it as a way of life. If you’re using it just to squeeze into a bikini, or wedding dress next year (how most diets are directed) then you will fail and gain massively.

KETO is for life, not just for Christmas. Same thing applies to puppies!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #12

I know, especially the puppy part. We used to do boxer rescue, and so many people bought cute little boxer puppies as gifts, or for grandma, then when the cute puppies turned into grown dogs, and ate the furniture and tripped grandma, they were dropped off at the rescue shelter. People need to think ahead and do their research.


My life is worth more than sugar, flour, potato, rice, and pasta. Its that simple for me.

(Ethan) #14

Much more! Also, have you ever noticed that grains are just cardboard filler? It’s the sauce that makes spaghetti. It’s the toppings and cheese that make the pizza. It’s the meat and cheese that make the lasagna. It’s the meat that makes the gyro. It’s the butter that makes the bread and butter. Rice, pasta, flour, and grains are all there to to satisfy the carb burner’s need for glucose–not for real flavor.




@Wishbone I agree 100% [keto and puppies]. Actually, my opinion is THIS IS LIFE. I feel more alive now, than I ever have.


Well said, Ethan. :+1:

(Kevin) #18

My wife and I don’t call it a “Diet” anymore… This is just life now. This is how we eat and it will continue to be that way until we are taken from this Earth.
Someone told us once, “Well keto is all good and all but when you go back to eating normal all the weight will come back” We said, WAIT! Exam what you just said… Why would we ever go back to “normal” when “normal” was what got us unhealthy, overweight, and unhappy!!! :man_facepalming:

(david czech) #19

Editor or author (I think?) failed on this one too:

“Keto diet is a somewhat limiting eating plan, and hard to sustain long-term”, so you needn’t follow to it once you’ve achieved your desired weight or fitness goals, unless medically subscribed," Mavridis suggests.

Maybe I’m wrong about the use of subscribed here, but I think the author meant PREscribed? Google search seems to indicate that this seemingly improper wording is pretty popular:

(Mark) #20

Yep - she is clueless. :wink: