Another meat is baaaad article (sigh)



This one talks about red meat marketing and industry subsidies and how we should all be eating less meat. It leans heavily on animal welfare which emotionally charges the argument. Animal welfare should really be another topic. It’s a critical thinking error, a logical fallacy, that is, if all else fails appeal to emotion.

When facing this sort of interweaving of topics it’s hard to argue the case for meat consumption and keto. How would one go about communicating against this? The lawyer advocating this is giving talks all around Australia which is a worry.

(John) #2

Growing up I heard a story that turkeys were so dumb that if they went out in a hard rain they would feel the water hit their head, look up, and drown. I asked a poultry science professor years later and he laughed, he gets that a lot, his response is that they are way dumber than that, if water hit them in the head they wouldn’t look up because they are not smart enough to even know that rain came from up. I’m not saying torture animals or anything of the sort, but a chicken that can’t frolic the countryside is not depressed, we have some pretty out of control anthropomorphism going on these days. I’ll be one of the first in line for lab grown meat, I think it is closer than we realize.


Here is another one:

followed tout de suite by this:

(bulkbiker) #4

Dr Dillner really gets on my tits… completely uninformed and usually writes utter balls.