Am I doing it wrong? Here's what I've been eating the last 4 days


(Tom) #1


I started Keto 4 days ago, not to lose weight, but to feel better overall.

So far I havent experienced any positive differences, and only a few minor negatives - I find it difficult to sleep through the night, feel dazed most of the day and have some heart palpitations.

Here are the only things I have been consuming over the last 4 days:

  • Bacon
  • Egg
  • Saussage
  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Cod
  • Salmon
  • Ham
  • Chicken
  • Asparagus
  • Sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Brocoli
  • Lettuce
  • Lurpack
  • Coconut oil
  • Pistacios
  • Mayonaisse
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Water
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Greek yogurt

I don’t measure anything, I just eat anything off the list whenever.

Is it possible to have too much of 1 thing, and therefore break the diet concept?

Also, I feel the reason I struggle to sleep is because I can feel all the food sitting in my stomach on a night.

Any thoughts are welcome :slight_smile:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #2

(Full Metal KETO AF) #3

Any food can be in a KETO diet technically but you still have to try to be under 20g. of carbs daily for easier fat adaption. So some of your list can definitely be an issue if you eat as much as you want. Right off pistachios and kiwi stand out as foods that eat up your carb limit in small servings. Walnuts, pecans, macadamia and hazelnut are better choices. Avoid cashews and peanuts. Kiwi is just too much sugar. And strawberries and other berries should be limited to 1/2 cup or better yet avoided for the first couple of months. I ate no berries or nuts the first couple of months myself. You’re stomach issues can be helped by more hours between your last meal and bedtime. I eat two meals a day, at about 9am and 2-3pm. I don’t eat after that. I used to have to take Omeprazole everyday for GERD (reflux). Now I sleep much better without heartburn on an empty stomach. Maybe that’s too early for you to stop eating but try to have 5 hours or so without food before bed and see if that helps you.

(Simon Hinton) #4

Hi Tom, welcome to the community. I am Fairly new to Keto, I would say it took me about ten days to notice I was feeling better. The first noticeable thing was less bloating and less wind, and feeling a bit more energetic.

I think everyone is different. I was worried initially when i started whether I was doing it right. I was given the same advice as above. Just concentrate on keeping carbs below 20G per day an try to keep it simple.

Check out the recipes section for ideas, and also there is a thread , I think its called "what did you keto today, where people have taken pictures of meals. I found this helpful just to get a visual idea about what people are eating.

Good luck and just keep on going. It will be worth it

(Jack Bennett) #5

With a list like that, it really depends on the relative quantity of the individual foods.

For example, if you ate nothing but coconut oil from your list, you’d likely enter ketosis soon (zero carbs) but you’d be protein deficient.

Conversely, if you ate nothing but strawberries for your entire day, you’d get tons of carbs and be out of ketosis.

All of the items on the list potentially have a place on a well-formulated ketogenic diet (WFKD). They look generally like healthy, natural, whole foods. As long as you keep your carb grams below the threshold you want (perhaps 20, 30, or 50g) then you can certainly have any of those foods on the list.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #6

You ate SAD for how many years? And you expected to undo all those years 4 days on keto? You’re experiencing carb withdrawal. It will pass.

(Tom) #7

Thanks for the replies!

I had completely cut out the obvious sugars, but was clearly still eating too many carbs within the typically acceptable food groups.

Hopefully it should be easier reducing these now, as I have built up to it for the last 4 days.