Almost to my goal

(Edith) #1

Hi Everyone,

I never thought I would say this but I am almost to my goal! I am very excited about that. When I first started this journey it was via the Atkins plan where as you reach your goal you slowly add carbs back in to stop the weight loss. Of course, now that I know about keto, I no longer want to go that route. I want to stay keto. The problem is, I still have trouble eating a lot of calories: I get full from a 400-500 calorie meal and then that meal lasts me for many hours. I am a 5’ 3", 51 year old female and I am eating anywhere from 1200-1500 calories a day. Some days are a little more, some days a little less.
When I want to start maintaining my weight, how should I do it? I know I will need to eat more calories but I don’t want to force feed myself. If I keep eating the way I am, will my weight reach an equilibrium point so I don’t have to worry about eating more? Will I just level out naturally?

Any thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated.

(Ren) #2

If you want to maintain your weight, eat more fats. If you can’t stand eating that much to maintain your weight now, just keep eating the way you are eating and you will eventually come to a point where you level out and your body is happy where it is.

(Sophie) #3

Congrats! Go celebrate with a few fat bombs! :+1:

(Edith) #4

I like that idea of just letting my body level out on its own. It also adds an element of mystery wondering what number that will be.


(Carpe salata!) #5

Congrats! Exciting to reach the target. I would be interested to hear your updates. :slight_smile:

(Fallili) #6

Edith, that’s great! I think you won’t have a hard time of it - maintaining is easier than losing, almost always. If there is a “problem,” it’s one that most of us would like to have.

(Doug) #7

I like your thought, Edith. There are lots of days ahead.


Congrats on getting into goal territory. I started with Atkins induction a year ago and am my goal weight.
I got to my goal end of April, I have been staying within 3 lbs of that weight, below it actually. I just flew by my goal to a few lbs. under my goal and I have stayed there. I had stopped logging my food so not sure what average cals. are. I find that eating lchf, I don’t stay under 20 g carbs all the time but eating only low carb veggies with the occasional keto bread of some type and a fast of 24-36 hrs. if I see a bounce in my weight has kept me very happy and under my goal weight.

In fact, doing this I have been 7 lbs. less than my goal weight on a few days. I plan to continue on this path to see just what my Phinney weight is going to be. I feel it will be a few more lbs. down, but I am slowly working my way there.
I enjoy my food don’t feel deprived in any manner, feel good, enjoy the occasional fast these days. etc.

It is really important to me as a retiree and a woman of a certain age, who is also petitie, that I stay at a normal weight going forwards. I am so happy to be off the diet merry go round. Keto, til fat adapted, then staying LCHF, with some fasting will just be my lifestyle now. Just wish I had done this back in the 90s when I first started cutting back on carbs, just now far enough on the Zone.

(Edith) #9

I think you are correct about maintaining being easier than losing as long as I stay LCHF. We all know what happens when we eat high carb and try to maintain lost weight. Keto gives me hope I will have no trouble keeping off the weight.