Almost 6 weeks Keto and no weight loss :(


Eating late always means I somehow put on 3 lbs. over night. I’ve been trying to eat much earlier, but it’s a hard habit to change–plus you know, life doesn’t always let you eat dinner at 6pm.

(Marianne) #23

Agreed; I keep mine at usually around 10, although I’m not a huge veggie fan, so it’s not difficult.

(Marianne) #24

Hmmm; looking at your menu, I don’t think you are getting enough fat.

Can you try eating 3x/day for like one week?

2 eggs cooked in butter
2 link sausage or bacon

Egg/chicken/tuna salad w. mayo
couple pieces of bacon

fatty meat (pork steak, fatty cheeseburger, chicken thighs w. blue cheese, etc.)
broccoli or zucchini, etc., with butter
couple pieces of bacon

For me, after a short while of eating 3x/day and getting enough fat, I had natural aversion to eating that often. Went to two meals a day and for a long time now, only OMAD, plus weekly fasting.

Good luck! How do you feel physically?

(Paige) #25

This seems as if it could be something more serious then just not being able to lose weight, but in reality you should be losing weight from making those life changes. ALTHOUGH, since I have done extensive research and written multiple articles on weight loss and different weight loss techniques and the research behind it I can tell you one thing.
Burning more calories then what you put in = weight loss. Thats about it. So restricting calories through food or through extensive exercise are basically the only ways weight loss works.
I don’t have a list of what you eat on a daily basis, unless you would like to share that information with me, then I would love to access and give you some feedback. With this information we can either conclude that you are eating way too much (which doesn’t mean unhealthy eating, there are loads of health foods that are high in caloric value such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and such) or you have a health condition of some sort where you are not able to lose weight affectively.
Yes these actually exist. There are many people in this world that have an extremely difficult time losing weight and most likely never will no matter how healthy they eat and it is not the fault of their lifestyle. But for some of those medical conditions, medications are an option and medical professional advice can be very helpful as well.
Its always good to ask a medical professional when you are having problems such as this because it is effecting your life and you should be losing weight with such drastic lifestyle changes. If you have time, reply back with a normal day of eating for you and don’t skimp on any snacks or liquid calories that you are drinking.
Also another tip, I would start calorie tracking with a tracker like myfitnesspal. I think it will really help you understand what you are eating. Because it will show you if you are actually burning enough calories in response to what you are taking it. Because as we now know its 80% food and 20% exercise that bases how you are losing weight.
Hope the best for you!

(Paige) #26

I actually just saw what you eat on a daily basis in another response, I’m sorry for my not realizing.
You are not eating enough for your weight AT ALL, which makes me believe that you are somehow eating more then you are letting on (such as snacking you don’t count in or other liquid calories you don’t count in) OR your metabolism is extremely slow for some reason.
There are also other medical conditions or lifestyle choices that can make a persons metabolism be slow.
I am half your size and shorter then you and eat way more on a daily basis, I would be starving myself if I ate as much as you (i do work out as much as possible, but that still doesn’t make a difference because our difference in weight and height).
I can conclude that there may be something wrong with your metabolism and it is most likely medical. I am not a professional so I can’t make any sort of diagnosis for you but I would go in and get tested for different sort of conditions that effect weight in general and metabolism. High estrogen makes sense, but I haven’t quite heard of it being that difficult to lose weight with high estrogen, especially with the amount of effort you are putting it.
I hope for the best again and I really recommend you check these possible problems out so you can start crossing possible problems off the list.

(traci simpson) #27

So true! especially since I don’t get off work until 5. I’m extremely frustrated at this point.


Is there any way you could eat a bigger lunch and a lighter dinner? That’s really supposed to make a difference, too. Instead of the typical American light lunch and big dinner, I try to at least eat two meals about the same size and I’ve gotten pretty good at that–after years of practice. I still have some effort to make lunch my main meal and dinner more snack-like.

(traci simpson) #29

It’s been so hot outside that turning on the stove makes me want to die!

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #30

I hear that. What about a crock pot meal?
Or coming a batch of meat/food early in the week so you have something that only needs hearing , or could be added cold to a salad?

(traci simpson) #31

Well my air went out Saturday night and wasn’t fixed until Monday evening so I’m behind on my cooking. I had to come home from work and cook for today and today I have to cook for tomorrow. What I made isn’t satiating to me.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #33

Yeah, that’s no fun.
Cooking is a never ending thing for me. In the winter I do crock pot meals, but currently I’ve just been baking chicken, even though it heats up the house. Still not enough for regular leftovers though.

(traci simpson) #34

I like cooking on Sundays or Mondays for the week and since I only eat TMAD it lasts a bit longer with the exception of casserole dishes. I can eat a lot of that so I try not to make too many per week.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #35

I cook for my husband and 3 of 4 kids (the baby doesn’t eat regular table food yet) so food goes quickly


Do you weigh exactly all those almonds and cheese for lunch, or do you just guess? It’s very easy to eat to much of those snacks…:wink:

If you don’t loose weight, you have to cut down the calories. In 99,9 % it IS that easy. The ‘only’ problem is, to cut down your hunger too. But you already use the powerful tools keto an IF, so your chances are good, that this will work :slightly_smiling_face: