I have been reading about it on this forum since years and I still don’t have any idea if it matters significantly… But I pretty much avoid such super carby things so it’s not like it matters for me. My SO eats a lot of white rice though (brown rice is fun but soft white rice is more pleasant for most dishes if you ask him, cheaper anyway and I don’t think it matters a thing for someone like him), a pot lasts for days. But carbs are good fuel for him and he eats a ton of (natural) sugar anyway, that works very well for him too. (It would just make me hungry and maybe sugar poisoned after a while… Chilled brown rice or freshly made Jasmine? Doesn’t really matter, it’s high-carb and not good food to me. Of course, if someone doesn’t eat starches, it’s not important what resistant starch may do…)
And if resistant starch means we can’t digest it (does it?), it sounds bad. We want to digest most of our food, it’s food, it’s its job. (IDK if he needs fiber, he always eats a lot of it. my body couldn’t care less about the amount of fiber so it’s good I usually eat close to none).
If we overeat anything, we should stop that somehow (even if I am bad at it myself. I do try to and do change, there is hope for everyone).
But I still can understand some think differently and try to mitigate the problems. It’s just not my way.