All corn diet turns hamsters into cannibals

(No I'm not mad - that's just my face) #1

(rest assured this is not a reference to baby corn)


My goodness…what’s going on? Are they so starved for proteins and meat that it drives them crazy?

(Chris Bair) #3

That was my initial thought. Either the protein or some other deficiency, maybe iron? Anemia in humans leads to weird behavior: eating clay, chewing ice. A steak a day keeps the cannibals away!

(Cecy Contreras Villarreal) #4

I had hamsters when I was a child, some of them bred and they ate their babies… no idea why, but this happened two or three times. I was feeding them special formulated pellets, si I don’t think it was the diet :confused:

(Andrew Anderson) #5

This is why I passed on corn on the cob for my weekend cookout. :cat: