Alcohol whilst in Ketosis - a cautionary tale

(Lee Jones) #1

Went to a party Saturday night and had my first alcoholic drinks whilst in a state of ketosis.

Now bearing in mind pre-Keto I could easily down 10+ pints of strong Cider (28+ units) on a night out and only get slightly merry I thought I’d err on the side of caution and have no more than a quarter of what I can comfortably tolerate.

Should be fine with that right?

Mmmm not so I’m afraid. I stuck to my plan and only had 5 vodka and diet cokes all night (4.5 units) but yesterday I honestly thought I was dying. I was aching all over, nauseous, disoriented and was running a temp of 38.2 for the best part of the day.

Seems like being in ketosis had severely restricted my ability to take alcohol on board and led to me giving myself alcohol poisoning!

So please be careful out there folks as your alcohol tolerance pre Keto probably has very little bearing on your Keto fuelled body’s ability to deal with the stuff.


I consider myself a “lightweight” after a drink now. Keto has definitely lessened my tolerance level.

(Jacquelyn Graham) #3

Yep, my tolerance has radically changed and it was an eye-opener for sure. I feel so good now, though, it’s not really a burden to not drink regularly.

(Cathy Schroder) #4

Oh dear. I’d better abstain altogether then. I rarely drink as it is and when I do it only takes a couple to get me quite tipsy. I’d better avoid even smelling it now!!

(Thomi M) #5

I had a similar experience with wine. I drank almost my normal tolerance, felt pretty messsed up, and the next morning felt like absolute death. Given that I have never had a hangover this is pretty significant. Funny thing tho, when I checked blood ketones, I was still in ketosis, just not as deeply. I expected to be totally tossed out. The buzz is really not worth the follow up, so I will be mostly abstinant from now on. Shudder!

(netposer) #6

I feel awful after 2 mixed drink or 2 beers. If I just have one I am fine. I don’t sleep well and feel nauseous.

I used to have a few beers a few times per week but in the past year I might have one or two drinks per month.