Alcohol increases hunger and appetite according to this study

(Newimprovedme ) #1

Alcohol increases hunger and appetite according to this study:


I believe this as I understand it that alcohol can knock you out of ketosis temporarily as your body will switch from ketones to alcohol as an energy source until the alcohol is used up and then go back to ketones. That is assuming you didn’t eat a bunch of carbs (e.g. nachos or chips) while you were drinking.

(Elmo) #3

Was there ever a doubt? :smile:

(Barri) #4

“One theory is that alcohol erodes willpower, meaning people are likely to eat more than they intended after a drink. That could also explain why people often pick less healthy options, such as crisps or kebabs, if they’ve been drinking.”

Since when are kebabs a “less healthy option”? Puh-leeeeeze!

(Doug) #5

:slightly_smiling_face: True - if we are to examine “less healthy foods,” then it will be a long time before we come to kebabs.


Also according to my life.