Advanced glycation end products

(Marius the butter craving dude) #1

Yet I found anther dirty secret of sugar metabolism.
Now How do we get rid of them ? I guess fasting should eliminate them.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #2

Are your measuring your BG levels? Are they near normal? Just taking carbs out should remove some over time. But Time Restricted Feeding (aka Intermittent fasting) and definitely extended fasting should help.

My bald head used to have precancer rough spots all over and they are gone. From what I can tell that is the elimination of advanced glycation end products. Also I am more tolerate to sun exposure. I still wear a hat in the middle of the day but in the winter and now spring I have been seeking out sun exposure including for my head <10am and >2pm where UVA is less (UVA causes most of the burns) but UVB is not very attenuated.

I went from strict keto to TRF/IF to one to two EF (36 to 72 hrs) / week. I noticed the improvement in my head before I started EF.

(mole person) #3

My husband has a few of these rough patches but I can’t get him to be strict long enough to see if keto would help them.

Keto was TOO easy for him; I guess due to high insulin sensitivity. He dropped rapidly to 140 lbs while following me into regular OMAD and his body instantly made that his set point. So now he has things like pancakes, muffins or a burger with a bun about twice a week. He’s got PLENTY of issues that might be helped by long term adherence but lacks incentive to be so strict in the absence of strong evidence.