Adam Ruins Everything: on Fat doesn't make you fat

(Chris Bair) #1

Adam has Ancel Keys depicted as “The Fonz” - it’s quick and mostly accurate - nice presentation for showing to people to get the point across that fat doesn’t make you fat. Funny thing is, most of the references shown to corroborate the assertions are from Taubes and Teicholz (which is cool though haters will rag on that).

(What The Fast?!) #2

I LOVE Adam Conover. (Legit fan girl.)
I wish he would have touched on keto, or talked about slowing metabolic rates from caloric restriction (versus just saying that the Biggest slower regime was impossible to keep up), but I was still really happy to see him cover this topic!


That’s a great vid to show some of my friends who don’t have a clue what this is all about! Thanks.

(MakinBacon) #4

I was gonna post about that! I love his show. There are a few things in there that I don’t necessarily agree with, but he’s mostly on point.

(Georgia) #5

The Paula Deen character made me laugh out loud.

(Siobhan) #6

Magnificent! I wish he could have touched more on the topics of WHY sugar makes/contributes to obesity but I suppose their target audience would get the eyes-glazed-over look if he did that.

The comments, however, made me a bit stabby. :knife:

(Troy) #7

Thread Bump
Old thread :smile:

Really enjoy it!
so funny
Watching the above episode right now AGAIN on Tru TV…