About the Zero Carb / Carnivore category

(Genevieve Biggs) #83

She’s still active here. I’ve been messaging her lately. :laughing:

I’m hardly active here, I was very much in the beginning. I got back on to message Amber, mostly because I’m off FB right now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

(Leslie Andersen ) #84

Oh that’s fun… I think the world of her. I’ve watched videos of her speaking and read things she’s written. :+1:

(Genevieve Biggs) #85

She is worthy of the admiration!!

(Joe Schuyler) #86

Side note: Is your profile picture San’s mask from Princess Mononoke?

(Genevieve Biggs) #87

Yes! Ferocious wolf girl. She MUST be a carnivore. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Joe Schuyler) #88

Major kudos- I love that movie.

She has to be, though!

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #89

Thank you both! That’s very kind. I’m not here as much as I’d like to be, but I pop in now and then!

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #90

Leslie, how long were you low carb before ZC?

(Leslie Andersen ) #91

I was strict Keto from May 2016 until starting ZC the day after Christmas. I had also done a few stints of Atkins or low carb throughout the years.

(Kee) #92

How are you doing now? Any weight loss?


I almost wish I could still use some spices, tea, wine, etc. just so I could call myself a “dirty carnivore” :wink: I’d probably put the word, “little” in there, too…lol. Alas, my body has let me know that if I so much as put a speck of anything other than meat and water in my pie hole, I’m going to get a very inflamed rash/pustules all over my face just to let me know what’s what.


I just put ‘canned oysters’ on my grocery list before reading any further so I don’t forget. I’ve got to try them, now! :slight_smile:

(Elaine ) #95

Yeah. Kerrygold should think about us Canadians! Cheers from Montreal, Québec! :slight_smile: