A little sweetener in my coffee while IFing?

(Amy Roush) #1

I know it’s not the gold standard but could I have a little sweetener in my coffee without defeating the purpose of fasting? I just started 16:8 IF and am only doing it for weight loss.

(Crippie) #2

So I am not a fasting expert, but a calorie free sweetener should still maintain a fast. It may cause you to have worse cravings though, all depends on how you react to those sweeteners.

I like to go with what Jason Fung says, and if it helps you fast then do it. A little bit of sweetener may not be what some consider a true water fast, but if it helps you fast then do it, you’ll get most of the benefits of the fast and if that little bit helps you get through it then its worth it. Its the same thing with people supplementing in bone broths or a fat fast.

Personally, when I am doing my normal IF, I still have my bulletproof coffee in the morning. It is not technically a fast, but really just a fat fast, but I tried without it and I couldn’t make it, so I keep it in there and it works for me. If I am trying an extended fast, I usually leave it out, but may change that my next extended fast, as I have had trouble maintaining a long fast.

Long story short, do what works for you. :slight_smile:


Your goal with 16:8 IF is to keep your insulin levels low for 16 hours and dramatically improve your insulin sensitivity over time as a result. A little sweetener in your coffee may induce a small insulin release (as many things do) but if the coffee keeps you going through the 16 hour fasting window I’d say it’s better than the alternative of not doing any fasting.

I can tell what triggers a small insulin release in me while fasting as I feel minor hypoglycemia symptoms. Any sweeteners have that effect as does caffeine I suspect. I fasted for 9 days last month and the lemon/lime magnesium citrate I was putting in my ketoade was making my blood sugar drop. Not a lot but when your glucose is in the 50’s any change is noticeable. When I’m fasting 1/2 cup of black coffe makes me feel like I smoked crack. 30 minutes later I feel like I ran a marathon. The caffeine thing may not be insulin related but that’s my theory.

My guess is you’ll outgrown the want for sweeteners in your coffee. To me they taste like poison. My advice, try it for awhile and if the fasting gives you results keep doing whatever you’re doing. I think sweeteners are bad all around and likely mess with hormones and slow progress. Not everyone here agrees however so some experimenting is necessary.


If and only if, you have a sweetener that does make you hungry or bumps up your BS levels. Dr. Fung is not a fan of AS in your coffees/teas, but he does also say what every it takes to get you to the end of the fast.

Have you tried things like a dash of vanilla or almond extract with maybe some cinnamon or even nutmeg? When I add the flavor extracts and one of those spices, I feel the sweetness level is just right. But I am not a sugarholic in the first place so YMMV


Hubby got me some electrolyte sachets, I didn’t read the pack! Sucralose!!! It kicked me out of KETO :frowning: I’m drinking water with ACV now and have eaten lots of fat today. Got a really bad headache too! I drank 2 liters of water with it in.