A Keto Doctor finder tool


This looked pretty good to me. Saw some new names in my area I hadn’t seen on other lists.


(Susan) #2

I clicked it and typed my location, and it said 0 doctors… =(. I am not surprised but wanted to check anyway.


Try setting the radius & results at 1000. I tried using really close radius and got no results as well, but expanding it Drs. near me popped up then, as well as many far away.

(Susan) #4

Okay. I couldn’t visit any that are outside of my city anyway, as I could never get to them, but thank you =). I am sure that many people on the forum will love having that link to find doctors =).

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #5

It appears only to list doctors in USA.

(Susan) #6

Oh okay that makes sense =). Well it will be a useful tool for our American forum members at least =).

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #7

I found one near me. I might try a free consult to see what they can do, but I’m not impressed (they sell products, but do recommend some that are actually fairly good). Lots of the products are low in fat, mid carb (like one or two would put me at my limit for the day), and high in protein.


I didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the site’s info, someone had pointed that dr. finder out to me. People are always looking for drs. in this forum and others I post on as well. So I used it and liked the hits it came up with near me, I know about several of the drs. that came up they are legit lchf/keto supporting drs.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #9

Thanks for sharing, I used a different site to find a Keto friendly doc previously but when I called they said he’s retiring in September :expressionless: but this site had a different one not too far from me, maybe a half hour. I think I’ll give them a call Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday here) :smiley: my last doctor is leaving the practice I go to (this practice is a revolving door, mind you. In the 3 years I’ve been going, I’ve had a different doc each year). But I didn’t much care for her anyways. She was extremely impressed with my weight loss when I went last December, but she was displeased with my labs. Namely, my cholesterol. I want a doc who “gets it.”

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #10

I think its a great tool. I was just trying to say that the one doctor I found was selling (and recommending) a bunch of products. I’m thinking of doing their free consult, but I suspect they won’t be much help to me. I’m hoping they can help me tweak my diet, but I don’t know how much experience they have with regards to keto and cancer, as they are primarily focused on weight loss.

(KCKO, KCFO) #11

Report back if you do. I know you have very special needs. Hope you can find the support you need in your cancer battle. Healing thoughts sent your way.

(Tyler) #12

I did the search, 150 miles was the closest one to me. A bit too far so I’ll keep hoping that one day we’ll get a couple in my area. Thanks for posting

(Wendy) #13

Scottsdale Az about 2.5 hrs from Parker Az. Humm might have to give her a call…Thanks for the link


I’m in NYC. Am on a pretty good roll, losing wt with Keto during the last 16 months. My doctor was not in on any planning, just rubber stamped my request for labs.
Now he is out of practice with COVID 19 and I am now covered by Medicare. I need a new PCP obviously, who will see Medicare pts.

Anybody know of a doctor who gets it or at least is willing to work with me in NYC area?