9 Months Zero Carb - And Making Progress


Hello All,

Just wanted to check in and say again how thrilled I am with this WOE. After decades of struggle with food, I think (crossing fingers) I’ve finally found what works for me.

I had been struggling with keto for several years before I realized I need to cut out all carbs, because any carbs trigger terrible sugar cravings for me.

I had three goals when I switched to zero carb:
–FINALLY get rid of sugar cravings
–Lose 15 lbs (I was at 140 when I started and was shooting for 125)
–Improve my body composition. My body fat level had gotten up to 35%, which is considered overfat, even though my BMI was not that high. I wanted to get down to 25% bodyfat.

So, after nine months:

–I can’t say the sugar cravings are 100% gone, but they are mostly gone. I haven’t kept sugar/sweets in my house for years, but before this WOE, at least once or twice a month I would buy a pint of ice cream to eat from the carton, or a bunch of chocolate that I would eat in one sitting as my “dinner.”

I am amazed to say that I have not had sweets AT ALL since I started this WOE! No ice cream, no chocolate. Before zero carb, the cravings would get so bad that I would eventually give in. Now, I get the occasional craving, but it’s not that hard to resist (I just eat some meat, lol).

–I am down to 125.8 lbs, so almost at my goal weight.

–The place where I still have a long way to go is on bodyfat. I’ve made progress - I’m down from 35% to about 31.5% (and I’m just using a home scale so it is not precise). That was mostly achieved through burning fat, so now I am working on doing some resistance training to try to build up my muscle mass.

Other unexpected benefits: I feel better, most of the time anyway. And, it might be my imagination, but like others have said, I think my gray hair may be diminishing! I color it, but it seems the gray doesn’t come back in as quickly. Still not sure about this one.

I am so thankful to have found this WOE!

(Vic) #2

I’m happy for you :slightly_smiling_face:

My sugar cravings did disappear and after that my taste started to change. Things like whole milk started to taste very sweet to me…candy level sweet.

I can even tell if supermarket meat is laced with sugar. If it is more 0.8% added sugar I start to find it disgusting, too sweet.

So I still enjoy sweet, things like an omlet or greek yogurt also taste sweet to me now. 40% fet fresh cream is like a sugar bomb.

The joy of sweet is still there, not addictive level thou and with no refined added poisonous sugar to it.

Give your taste butts time and enjoy.



So happy to read how well you are doing on zero carb.

I, like you, can’t eat any plant carbs. I crave and cave and they make me bloaty and icky in alot of ways. ZC has done the same for me on such great benefits and healing.

I enjoyed reading that update on how well you are doing!! It is wonderful when you find an eating lifestyle that works so well, gives you so much and can be long term and we thrive…zero carb sure does that!

(Laurie) #4

Good to know how well you’re doing! Good luck building up your muscles.