8 weeks into ketogenic


So I’m fairly new with ketogenics and love it. My wife and I both have lost over 20 pounds. We have been at for over 8 weeks and very happy with our success. It seems that our weight loss has come to a stand still over the last two weeks not that we are concearned as we have not gained anything. My question is how can we achieve the 80 % fat per day. I have an app and have been tracking and I can’t seem to find things to eat to keep protein down and fat up. Does anyone else have trouble with this. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. I’m feeling like I’m only teetering on the edge of ketosis


You don;t have to hit a particular fat goal. As long as carbs are low and protein moderate, you simply eat fat to satiety and that can vary day to day. I agree that is is tricky to keep protein down, i find it the easiest element to over eat. I really wouldn’t worry about hitting a specific fat target - it is the one element that is as variable as you want it to be. It is your energy and mechanism to not be hungry but there is no minimum or maximum level that you need to hit.

Also… really adapting can take many months. A lot depends on what kind of problems need to heal and resolve themselves first. I wouldn’t say I am firmly there yet and it has been 6 months.


An easy trick to get your fats up is to add melted butter to your food. For example, imagine having this (photo below) on the dinner table with melted butter, and maybe even with dry or fresh herbs mixed in it. Pour this gorgeous mixture on your food…

Another is to make a quick and easy hollandaise sauce to go with your meal:

(Evan) #4

One thing I like to do is just find and eat foods that have more fat than protein. Additionally you can make some
Fat Bombs which area great treat to have around just incase you need more fat in your day. This is a mixture of 100% cacao powder coconut oil, butter, and stevia.

I personally go for 75% fats per day.

(John Cotter) #6

Evan for your fatbomb, do you just mix the cacao/co/butter and refrigerate or bake? Have you tried it without the stevia, is it really bitter?

(Evan) #7

When I make my fat bomb I mix the butter, coconut oil, cacao power and stevia in a small pot until every is melted. Once it’s mixed I pour them into a rubber mold that is the size of a peanut butter cup and stick them in the freezer for about and hour.

I would say that they would be fairly bitter with out the stevia.

(eat more) #8

there are tons and tons of fat bomb recipes…sweet and savory. there’s even a book but there are plenty on the interwebz for free :blush:

(Stephanie Hanson) #9

As @Fiorella mentioned, I butter almost everything. I also have fat bombs in the freezer. A friend of mine who is keto, considers keto cheesecake a fat bomb. So I make those every now and then too. There are lots of great recipes on the internet. I prefer fewer ingredients and fast prep.