6 weeks of keto but not fat adapted yet


(Willow) #1

Hello all,

I have reached 42 days (6 weeks)of keto. I am not fat adapted yet as I still have large amount of ketons in my urine. I want to make sure that I am doing this correctly. How long can it take to become fat adapted like worse case scenario? I have read 6 weeks but I know it varies for everyone. I feel like I already intermitily fast as I eat around 9pm and don’t usually have my breakfast bullitproof coffee till like 11am or 1pm. What should I be doing at this time to increase fat loss? I feel stuck. Thanks everyone!

(Carl Keller) #2

It really depends on how long your hormones need to sort themselves out before you can reach fat adapation. As long as you continue to eat low carb, high fat and moderate protein, you are healing and plenty of good things are happening.

Can you give us an idea of what you might be eating in a typical day?

(Willow) #3

I have stopped using Splenda.
I usually start by drinking bullet proof coffee

Breakfast 9am to 11am:
Drip coffee with 3TBS of heavy cream, 1 TBS butter, 2 TBS extra virgin coconut oil.

Maybe if I really want it whipped cream (like Redi whip) its only one carb

Lunch 12pm to 4pm:
Usually not anything unless I am hungry then I eat bacon, pork rinds, cheese, or another low carb to no carb thing.I am not usually really hungry. Or if I am “hungry” I will drink water or plain tea and wait to see if I am really hungry or if I am just bored or stress eating.

Dinner 7pm to 10pm:
Protien ( buffalo, beef, sausage, fish, chicken, bacon)
A green veggie (aspargus, green onion, avocado, spinach, artichoke) or cauliflower
Cheese for sure like cream cheese or other cheese all less than or equal to 1 carb
Might have 28 g of cashews as a “treat”

All not sweetened because I can’t get straight ansewers about sweetener.

Always under or equal to 20 carbs a day
Moderate Protien
High fat (sometimes I go over fat)

Have not gone off track once in 42 days. Always search for hidden carbs just to make sure I am not getting tricked.

(Janelle) #4

I’ve been eating keto since the end of September as strictly as i possibly can at 20 carbs daily. I feel like I’m just now getting fat adapted.

(Willow) #5

I can agree that I have done a lot of damage to my body with sugar and low calorie restrictive dieting. So maybe it will also take me 5 or 6 months. That sucks since I really wanted to lose at least 20lbs by June.

(Michelle) #6

Have you not lost any weight?

(Willow) #7

I would say tops I have lost 5lbs. Not much else. Some of my measurements are decreasing.

(Janelle) #8

I’m a slow loser. About 17 or 18lbs in a little over 4 months. Some people just lose faster. You might make 20 by June.

(Michelle) #9

Do you have a lot to lose?

I’ve never used keto strips, but I was under the impression that once you stop feeling hungry you are fat adapted. Ketones in your urine can fluctuate. I was hungry and needing things like fat bombs throughout the day when I first started keto. Then suddenly I wasn’t hungry, and I called that “fat adapted.” It sounds like you’re there.

Once you’re fat adapted you can start backing off on so much fat. The idea is to get your body used to burning fat, then remove some of the extra fat you’re giving it to allow it to seamlessly switch over to burning your existing body fat. I’d start with your coffee. Maybe just one fat in the coffee.

(Willow) #10

Well overall I would like to lose 50-60 lbs. I am 170-169 and I need to get down to 120-115.

The odd thing is I am never hungry even before keto I would only eat 1x a day really my I don’t eat or snack very much. I am super picky about food and what I like . I don’t think I am fat adapted. I am still losing a lot of ketons in my urine which means my body is not burning the ketones for energy.

I hope to lose a bit more before June. I am just getting frustrated because I don’t have a definite answer with where I am in the process. I feel like I keep changing all these things and tracking all this stuff and nothing is going anywhere. I am afraid to start any physical activity to throw things off more.

I am just at a point where I feel annoyed.

(Michelle) #11

Your body isn’t using all the ketones. But you can still be fat adapted.

(Willow) #12

How would I know for sure? I would need a blood tester thing which I don’t think I could do (can’t hurt myself; I hate finger sticks). I can try less fat or to not go over fat macro.

Its just like I said I am changing all these things (splenda/ no splenda, never a clear answer on macros, fat/ less fat). Tracking all the numbers. Triple checking carbs. I thought that its supposed to be simple. I feel the simplicity has gone out the window. I have doubts that I am even going to keep losing weight or inches.

I don’t know what to do. Keep on Ketoing on (being frustrated at every detail) or just forget about losing weight at all.

Sorry to be so negative but its where I am right now. I just don’t know how to feel.


Sorry you are feeling down. It is OK. I get it. However, Maybe you are overthinking it a bit. I have done this for 4 months and I would not be able to tell you that I am fat adapted. Some people seem to be very sure they knew the exact second it happened. But I really cannot tell. And I really do not think weightloss speeds up magically for all people when it happens. Maybe I naturally eat a little bit less because I feel full but that is about it.
It does not really matter. You want to feel good and lose weight. Trust it. And do not go too low on calories. Not sure that it is a great things given your history of calorie restriction. Try to find a balance. It is about healing. As for your specifics. I am one of those who do not care about macros. I keep an eye on carbs but that is about it. I don’t sweat protein or fat. I eat food not macronutrients. I do keep low on sweeteners because I know some of them make me crave foods. But if I have a few sweeteners now and then I don’t worry to much. Dr. Atkins way back when used to say to limit it to 3 sweeteners. So if you want a rule maybe start there and try and figure out how you feel. Good luck!!!


Don’t forget stress. Increased cortisol levels can keep you from losing weight. :slight_smile:

It’s hard to get definite answers, because nobody’s the same. We’re not robots. Unfortunately, you just need to find out what works for your body.

Honestly, four months isn’t a long time, and I understand we like to see results and know something is happening, now! But it really needs to be about the lifestyle, and not just the diet.

Keep researching. Keep experimenting. Take your time, it will be worth it.

(Allie) #15

It can take months.

(Shane) #16

Over the last 3-4 months I’ve lost 27kg (60lb)
The swelling in my lower legs and feet is gone and I no longer need compression socks.
A couple of people I haven’t seen for a while told me how good I’m looking now.
My Dr won’t prescribe pain killers and anti-inflammatories now because I’m not in pain any more.
Dr sent me for a glucose tol test 2 months ago. 2 hours ago BG was 4.2 (75)
I can shower on my own now without worrying about falling.
I can hang the washing out now.
I’m wearing clothes I haven’t worn in years.
I jump up out of my chair now.
A few days ago I started cleaning up my old fishing gear because I can go fishing again now.
and on and on and on.

But I’m not fat adapted.

(Janelle) #17

I think there are so many interpretations of fat adaptation. After 4 months, I still have high BP but I guess I have the mental clarity and lack of hunger at times - it’s different for everyone.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #18

I’m at ten months and still get really hungry. I got to maintenance around month five.


What great NSV’s Shane!
Thank you for sharing this. :+1:

(Shane) #20

I think I was trying to make the point that we should not ignore all the good things that are happening to us while we are on our journey. I didn’t realize myself, until I wrote that list, just how much my life has changed in a few short months. My full list would be much larger than that one.