48hrs Fasting - electrolyles

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #1

I’m starting my first extended fast. Should I change my normal electrolyles ragime?

I take (not every day) a simple pot, mag, sodium mix.


Really depends on you, how much you take, and how quick you dump them. I’d say depending on how much you supplement, most should get more during a fast, but if you’re a super salter, you may not need it. Also depends on how long the fast is planned to be. I’d cover your bases.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #3

I’m all over the place with them TBH. I take them when I remember! Don’t seem to need much though I always salt food.
I just wondered in the absence of food electrolyes might be more important?
2 day fast expected


I just know it’s quite individual. I wouldn’t even think about getting any sodium if it’s just 2 days (without extreme circumstances) as I don’t seem to need it. I don’t get extra sodium, my food is enough and I can’t do EF anymore - but when I still had short EFs, I didn’t need any. If I felt dizzy without being able to explain otherwise (and maybe even then…), I would eat some salt to be safe. My 5 day fast without any sodium was fun but I know better now (had no idea why I feel so funny, it’s not like these things are thought in school… we have taught a ton of pretty useless info considering we just forgot them right away but some nutrition info? nope. I had to get curious and learn it myself much later).
Some people last not nearly as long as I do and some last way longer.

It depends on your normal supplemented electrolytes a lot, if it’s relatively much, it may be enough… It makes sense you need a similar amount even if you don’t eat the food part so you may need to supplement more but as I wrote, some people just can handle it without a noticeable problem for a few days. But it surely doesn’t hurt to get your usual amount of sodium every day with or without food. And even magnesium, it’s not nice when it gets low.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #5

Good point

(KM) #6

I think the Electrolyles would be a good name for a band. I see a bunch of young gents in a pub in lime green tweed jackets. (It’s electrolytes).:laughing:

When I fast, I do usually toss a pinch of pink salt under my tongue now and then. But I hold to the same rule, if that tastes nasty, I don’t need it. Salina and the Electrolyles! :drum:

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #7

Sing electrolyles in place of Israelites
as in Desmond Dekker & The Aces - :smiley:


Blue Oyster Electrolyles : Don´t Fear The Fat

I see Internet full of “fasting salt” etc stuff. I might buy some capsules with Na,K,Ca,Mg, looks like local markets have it. Unsweetened,no soy etc.

On the other hand I take extra Mg already, NaCl is plain salt,Ca I get a lot from cheese… might be enough for two days. Only K is left. Needed? No idea.

I did 48 h last week with water plus my usual Mg. Exercised quite a bit the second day,full of energy. No problems.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #9

I’ve almost done 48hrs … and feel great! think I’ll keep going. Had to rush to the toilet though :thinking:


Found this unsweetened powder at the grocery store’s supplement shelf:

Need or not? Don’t know but I’ll take it. Slight calf cramp detected from yesterday’s doings.


Considering I get cramps once in a blue moon and Mg always solves it and this product contains very little, I would find something better but it is probably significantly better than nothing.
The stuff I last bought isn’t great as it has Mg-oxide as secondary (dubious) source (I consider that part zero) but the primary source is better, the Mg content per pill is huge (even if the smaller half is useless, it’s good enough for me) and it was super cheap (it helped that it was only 10 pills, enough for me for years). I just keep it at home just in case.

It’s just about Mg, I don’t even know what is OptiMSM :smiley: Or the klorid, do people take such things too? Interesting.


Very little? It obviously depends on how much you take it! :slight_smile:

Those numbers are for one tiny five gram measure spoon. You take 1-4 spoonfuls /fasting day to help staying hydrated. I guess those different electrolyte amounts are being kept relative to each other somehow.

I do have Mg covered by separate pills , I take 375 mg of Mg (pun) morning and night. That is a lot.


I thought it was a pill, one at once only and Mg pills always have so much more! 63mg in 5g is a quite low Mg content…

375g Mg is a lot indeed. I never had that much!


I don´t know about that but when you take it five times a day,each time mixed in a glass of water… that powder is salt based I´m guessing.

The first glass took my cramp away. Placebo? maybe but I was not thinking about it. All of a sudden I just noticed the cramp feel was gone.

I took another glass for the night, no food today. Last Monday was a fast Monday, today can be one as well.