4.5 Years Keto. 40 lb. loss. 2.5 YEAR STALL and REGAIN after Tumor Surgery


(Tricia S) #1

4.5 Years keto. First 2 years lost 40 lbs and began to improve health markers. I felt FABULOUS!
Migraines gone, joint pain gone, mood swings gone, insomnia gone, slow but trickling-steady weight loss and inches lost on belly.

AGE 62/FEMALE (12 years menopausal, so it’s not that):
-Diabetes and Kidney disease (both managed with keto and no meds).
-High LDL, but optimal trigs and hdl cholesterol and decent ratio.
-A1c 5.4 (could be better). Inflammation: 1.22 (still inflamed at surgery site).
-High Blood pressure, and high heart rate (mostly managed on keto, no meds).
-Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Hypothyroid and Adrenal exhaustion 20+ years (natural meds).
-Two tumor surgeries. Thyroid 16 years ago. Salivary 2.5 years ago. STALL/GAIN STARTED THEN.
-2.5 years of not feeling well again, gaining inches and pounds again.

IF: The first 2.5 years it was easy to have no cravings, hunger managed, not break fast until 2pm, then dinner 6:30pm. Now, I am hungry again, need to eat bacon and eggs and butter upon waking, and trouble fasting more than 14-16 hours. (My thyroid will swing wildly from hypo to hyper and I feel sick and my Thyroid meds have to be constantly adjusted if I go longer, so I can’t do that anymore).

Macros: 70-85% fat (varies). Protein needs to be lower/moderate 45-60g or my kidneys hurt.
My carbs (I count Total) are leafy greens only with some celery (and incidentals like in eggs etc). 10-20g Total.

For 2.5 years I have done everything I can think of to break the stall and have energy again. Getting really frustrated and confused! I thought I had it all figured out, people were noticing and curious about keto. Now they see the gain around my belly (it really really shows) and see the exhaustion in my eyes, and I don’t think anyone believes me that keto works anymore.

WHAT CHANGED: Nothing except the tumor surgery.

WHAT I TRIED (to break stall/gain) the last 2.5 years:
-Mixing up my eating/fasting times, food portions and percentages.
-Measuring my food portions again.
-Gave up nuts and dairy.
-Added in gentle pilates, walking and stretching (bad back).
-Increasing certain carbs.
-Going Zero Carb.
-Upping Protein and then Lowering Protein.
-Increasing calories. Decreasing calories (though I don’t count them).
-Paying for Hashimoto’s Thyroid consult and supplement recommendations, which I have done for over a year.
ALL TO NO AVAIL. In fact I feel worse, look worse, and seem to be going downhill.

Over those 2.5 years the pounds and inches keep coming back, my energy has plummeted, my sleep is disrupted so I’m tired again, my moods are going down again and I no longer feel fabulous!

-Bacon, eggs, butter.
-Greens with protein and olive oil/vinegar huge salad at night.
-Drinks: Water or green tea or homemade “collagen vitamin shake” since I can’t swallow pills (to take my supplements with, as recommended by keto nutritionist for my autoimmune thyroid). The shake is bone broth, collagen, coconut milk, water and vitamins, blended.
-Sea salt. Water. Apple Cider Vinegar. Lemon water.
-Occasionally I have a tiny square of 85-90% dark chocolate, about 1.5 total carbs worth.
-I am unable to eat cruciferous veggies, though I have tried many times. They act like a starch in my body and aggravate my thyroid and gut health.
-Of course no grains, starches, sugars, legumes, soy, processed foods, etc.

From the day I came home from the hospital (salivary tumor surgery), I had gained 10 pounds (fasted) and tried all year to lose that added weight. Since then not only do I lose (when fasting) and regain (when eating keto) the same 10 pounds over and over again, I am also recently gaining a few extra pounds for good measure.

Anyone with LONG TERM KETO EXPERIENCE who might have wisdom for me?

Thank you and blessings (sorry this was so long. I wanted to give you all the info you might need).
-Tricia :slight_smile:


On mobile, so this is shorter than I’d like.

Wow, great job, you’ve endured a lot and tried a lot.

Only thing I didn’t see was fasting insulin or Extended Fasting (EF) and if you are still significantly insulin resistant (IR) I could see having those issues.

I found that EF has really helped me and my fasting insulin is now very low at <3.

It’s also hard to tell from the post, but I have to wonder if you’ve been hypocaloric and downregulated metabolism, ie. reduced BMR, inadvertently since keto can be so satiating and I say that from personal experience.

You could be the poster child for KCKO!

Sorry for the brevity and I’ll keep monitoring.

(Tricia S) #3

BillJay, thank you for your thoughts! I have not had my insulin tested, but from what keto doctors like Dr Nally say, I have the symptoms, so I believe I am.

Extended Fasting I did mention as being unable to do, because of my thyroid swings.

Shorter IF happens frequently.

The few times I did total up my calories, they were about 1800-2000 but fluctuate. My BMR is only 1480. I am hungry a lot but even on days when I eat larger portions and go to 2000 or more (I’m short too), I wake up so hungry in the morning.

Feel like my thyroid is off, but when I get it tested, it’s up (hypo) one time, then down (hyper) the next, so I’m all over the map with that issue even after 20+ years. {Keto really regulated and managed it for the first 2 years to the point where I could reduce meds! Don’t know why it’s not working now!} … Now it changes daily and that hormone is up and down like crazy. Docs can’t figure it out — “well let’s just increase your dosage. Oh wait, now you’re hyper, so let’s just decrease your dosage. Wait, now it’s too low…” And of course THEY THINK KETO IS THE PROBLEM. One doc told me to go Vegan!

Thanks again.

(Lisset) #4

It seems to me that your adrenals are the cause. After 2.5 years the surgery site is still inflamed. Adrenals are in charge of reducing inflammation. They also take over some hormone production after menopause. Going through surgery twice must have been very emotionally stressful. I have adrenal fatigue and found that emotional stress is the worst for my adrenals. Keto has been the best thing for keeping my blood sugar stable which is very important for adrenal recovery. You are doing a great job (I know how hard it is to keep up when you are exhausted). A few things I do to help my adrenals are: take time released melatonin 2 hours before bed, wear blue blocker sunglasses after sunset, take activated form of B vitamins twice a day, watch comedies on Netflix, and detox with FIR sauna at least 4 times a week. Take it slowly with fasting (fasting causes stress response from the adrenals.) It has taken me a little over a year of keto to be able to comfortably fast for 13 hours. I know one day I will get to 18 hours and then EF
PS. I am sorry for any grammatical errors

(Mary 🌹 ) #5

I have low thyroid and cannot eat that many calories. I gain when I eat more than 1000.
I suggest only eat when hungry. Slowly eat and stop when full. Keep eating fats to feel full.


Oops, sorry - Thanks for understanding!

Note to self, don’t read and answer long posts while sitting in a waiting area for someone to finish up their appointment. :wink:

I’m no expert on the adrenal glands, but what little I understand about the endocrine system would suggest that this would be an important factor since as fasting continues, glucagon, epinephrine (Adrenalin), norepinephrine and cortisol rise and the adrenals are involved in this process.

So based on @TriciaS’s issues and self-admitted IR with limits in IF & EF, she’s unable to fast long enough to reduce IR as a result of issues with the adrenals, which persists the stall.

I’m not endorsing Dr. Alan Christianson, but I did read his book “The Adrenal Reset Diet” a few years ago and watched a lot of his YouTube videos and wonder if @TriciaS has reviewed his information and would agree @LISSET’s speculation that a big factor in the stall is adrenal fatigue/insufficiency.

(Tricia S) #7

Thanks so much BillJay! :smile:

(Tricia S) #8

@LISSET Thank you for your suggestions on Adrenals! I am reading Dr. Izabella Wentz’s Hashimoto’s Protocol, and self-diagnosing as Adrenal fatigue, so I will be looking into this! Thank you so much.

(Tricia S) #9

Thanks for your reply @marybeth00 … In my 4.5 years keto I have tried it all, including restricting calories, which backfired on me. I lost the 40 pounds by eating 70-85% fat, so I do have enough fats, but being leptin resistant (hormone that says Stop, you’re full) I don’t get the message and have to measure out portions to be sure.

I eat maybe 1200 calories on low days, and maybe 1800 (don’t really count anymore) on high days, and probably average about 1400-1600 (my bmr is almost 1500, so I need that for heart and lungs and blood to function). I do eat when hungry and don’t eat when full, and the point of my post was that it all worked fantastic for 2 years, then stopped working. I am just wondering why it stopped working for the past 2.5 years. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

(Lisset) #10

I watched Dr. Izabella Wentz’s thyroid summit online and it was amazing (full of information). I am planning on reading the book soon.
A few weeks ago I felt very tired all the time and decided to up the salt from 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. It did the trick and now I have sustained energy throughout the day. Adrenals need salt, but you should be carefull just in case it raises your blood pressure.
A good book I suggest reading is “Adrenal fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome” by Dr. Wilson
Don’t give up. Keep keto on :wink:

(Tricia S) #11

I watched parts of it, didn’t get to see it all, but yes it was so good! I do know to take salt, and do take a total of maybe 1/2-1 teaspoon a day. I just looked up Adrenal Fatigue book, thanks! Keto on indeed! Thanks, best to you too. :smile: