30 day challenge please

(Marius the butter craving dude) #1

I want to do a 30 day push up chalange on Omad and carnivore :slight_smile:
I will start with 50 tonight and take pictures.

PS: I am using this thread as an accountability. If not interested please ignore this thread.

(Scott) #2

I would join but I have no shoulders left. I would be willing to out run you though.

(Marius the butter craving dude) #3

I hope this will help me escape the skiny fat body fast. First 50 were hard…I was also to the gym right before. Today I will do cardio at the gym and before bed the 50 push ups
Day 1

(Tamela Robinette) #4

I did a 30 day push up challenge in February and it was awesome! Ended on March 2nd with 135 pushups because it added 5 everyday. I gained so much strength in my arms and core. Good luck! You got this!

(Brandan E. Lloyd) #5

I have done this program a few times over the years. It has always been very effective for me. I am still doing this program from February because I haven’t been pushing myself hard enough so I have to repeat the later weeks a few times.

I am using the “Just 6 Weeks” app from the iPhone app store (they have an Android app but I haven’t used it so I can’t speak to that). I cannot seem to find a way to view the whole program so I can’t tell how closely it matches the hundredpushups program but it is working and I appreciate the tracking and notifications to remind me to do my sets.

Good luck to you!

(Marius the butter craving dude) #6

Today I did as of now 60 push ups. 20 push ups in a row :slight_smile:
Unfortunately I had another meal with cheese and meet

(Marius the butter craving dude) #7

Usually is it required to do them non stop ? Or to do the push ups in a specific hour or throughout the day ? What would be the best approach ?

(Tamela Robinette) #8

In the challenge I did, you could do them anyway you liked. In sets of 10, sets of 20, half in the morning, half at night. Modified, tricep pushups, wall pushups. As long as you got them done.

(Katie) #9

Are you doing a picture every day or just the beginning and the end, or weekly?

(Marius the butter craving dude) #10

Picture every day. Today, day 3, I already did 35 in the morning.
I guess I will put all pictures once every 5 days

(Marius the butter craving dude) #11

Day 4: Did 50 this morning, hopefully at least another 30 tonight. But after I went 8km with bike to work and I feel strange… I will not keep Omad today, going to have some eggs this morning .I also have gym day today.
I feel concerned for long term that I will be to exausted one day; I also hope that by day 10 I can do 100 push-u’s in a day. Tomorrow next pictures.

PS: I am using this thread as an accountability. If not interested please ignore this thread.

(Marius the butter craving dude) #12

Yesterday, day 4 I did 100. I am loosing weight fast.
This is day 5 in the morning:

(Tamela Robinette) #13

Yes a very noticeable difference! Keep up the good work!

(Marius the butter craving dude) #14

I feel confidant with carnivore diet for this chalange. But I feel Omad is not sustainable. It was great when I lost weight without exercise last summer, but I feel I should not do it for this chalange. I think I will do 20/4. I want IF because of the HG hormone.

(Marius the butter craving dude) #15

Day 7: I have already reached 100 push ups yesterday, yet I fear it was to early and I will have a burn out. Yesterday I was invited to a friend. Kept low carb food and sugar free cola(they did not mark witch plastic cup was with sugar free cola… But I think I would hale felt the sugar if it was not zero…),but I eat a lot; this morning I felt more tired than usual and the push ups were harder…I feel it is easy when you are properly fasted for at least 12 hours. My weight is higher but we will see if it was weight gain tomorrow, strangely I feel my body generating more heat and sweating for no reason.:slight_smile:
Last few days my keto sticks were at 4 mmol/L, did not want to waste one this morning… wonder tomorrow morning…
Next picture in day 10