3 Weeks in Keto now in Dilemma Need help

(km) #1

My Story:

I am Chronic diabetic who did not had control on my food .
As a result i lost the courage to accept truth .so i stopped checking my BG for about 3 months i.e. until this feb
finally my dosage is over and my doc insisted on coming to hospital for check

At this moment this are my daily dosage for diabetes :

Metformin 500 mg (1 morning 1 night )

Glipizide 5mg (1 morning 1 night )

Januvia (1 morning)

Other medications:

Levothiroxin ,astrovastatin

So when i went to the doctor (this is approximately 2 -3 hrs after Breakfast) he check my blood sugar value
which is abt 275 mg/dL
so he concluded that my current medication is not working and may be the reason for nausea, stomach aches and fatigue i regularly experience so told me to stop januvia and start trulicity a weekly once injection

Finally when i collected the medication from pharamacy a couple of days later i started reading abt this medication and was scared
to use it . So decided to start Keto diet

The Success part:
Since i don’t have januvia any more and do not want to start trulicity

i started with only 2 BG meds Metformin,Glipizide

Finally in a week to 8 day i had a fasting BG as 105

i reported this to the doctor and since glipizide a during which helps generate insulin over few hours
i have asked for his suggestion to stop it .He suggested me to cut the dosage in half and see

So i started taking 2.5 mg (morning and night) but within the next 3 days i saw that one night my level has fallen to 65 mg/dl
i actually felt a reeling sensation so from next day onward i stopped the medication

The dilemma part:

So Now only on Metformin twice a day

From that day on wards i see that my fasting is always around 145 (+or- 5) also the ketone level in the morning are 8+ one day its even showing 16 (urine stix test) and from last five days this is more or less the case but in the evening ketone is always 4

Fasting 145mg/dl

2hrs After breakfast: 145 mg/dl

2hrs after lunch :125-135 Mg/dl

Before Dinner: 110-120 Mg/dl

After Dinner :120-135 Mg/dl

My food Details:

Omlette with coconut oil (BF)+ 10 Almond soaked overnight and peeled

1 coffee with coconut oil(20-25grms oil)

Veg/nonveg Curry/fry prepared in coconut oil/butter

1 coffee with coconut oil (20-25grms oil)

1 salad (almost 6 days a week- one or two day i will take a fry of nonveg like chicken or lamb in the night)

i pretty strict on my carb intake but one this i see is in the salad generally a veg salad the total carbs are reaching between 20-25 but the net carbs are 11-12 grams)

Oliveoil put (extra virign by california)in salad is 60-70 grams

Another Aspect is

my timing in eating is little off

i eat breakfast at 9:30-10

lunch at 1:00-1:30

Dinner at 10:00-10:30

Diet sodas:

1 coke zero each day

1 talking rain (plain soda) each day

Angry and frustration part:

So today when i saw the same reading 145
i decided to stop metformin :(i don’t know why i came to this decision)

So 2 hrs post bf the value is 189(with no sugar med)

So please advise on how to proceed further from here ,where i am going wrong .
i am also having sticky eyes and little floating and mild headache and little burning sensation in face and burning eyes

Also forgot my weight did nt drop much

initially it was 217.7 dropped to 210 lbs but to day its 216
but i see that my waist line is dropping my pants are loose in am 5’ 10’’

Transformation ....Extended Fasting..and the after Questions?
(Anderson Herzogenrath Da Costa) #2

No one on the internet can advise you on your medicine dosage, you really need to talk to a doctor.

(km) #3

Thanks for the Reply But…


that was not the question i have in mind …

My doubt is if my BG is 145mg/dl which indicates little higher Level of BG
how is my ketosis is at 8+ or more at times its going 16 mark on the urine stix.

How is that both are high at the same time ?(i know DKA occurs at very high level but is 145 that high?)

How is that i didnt lose much weight am i doing something wrong?

is there something i got wrong abt this? Shuld i make changes to my diet ?

ie the reason i gave everything in detail. Not that i am asking on what medication to take.

(km) #4

Also as you said i took a doctor appointment today i will be going shortly but if any one could answer my question in the keto perspective.it would be great


As far as a keto perspective my own opinion is -
– Keto urine stix aren’t very accurate. It might be a bad batch, it might be the manufacturer, it might be other problems.
– Nothing in your listed food looks ‘wrong’ but you mention ‘fry’. If the ‘fry’ is breaded, you may need to drop the breading. you may want to look on the forum for resources that will help you figure out what macros might help you tailor your food needs.
– Eat when you’re hungry, time of day does not matter as far as keto is concerned.
– Artificial sweetners (like in diet soda) might be spiking your BG, that does happen to some people.
– I cannot answer on the medication. There are many on the forum who have or who have recovered from diabetes.
– weight can fluctuate quite a bit, scales can be off too. If your clothes are fitting differently then you are starting to see positive changes!
For keto to work for you, you’ll need to stick with it. Don’t beat yourself up though. Don’t count calories, don’t weigh in often, make sure your’e getting adequate protein and plenty of fat (macros).
Good luck!

(Anderson Herzogenrath Da Costa) #6

On a Keto perspective, metformin is OK and many people who are diabetic keep taking it since it won’t increase insulin levels.

You describe yourself as chronic diabetic and seems to be awfully insulin resistant, so it will take time and patience to reverse it and start losing more weight.

(km) #7

First Thankyou

Keto urine stix aren’t very accurate. It might be a bad batch, it might be the manufacturer, it might be other problems.

Yes just finished a doctor visit he advised me not check ketostix and not be concerned abt Ketone levels being high right away, he said i am look much better than last few weeks back he saw me

Nothing in your listed food looks ‘wrong’ but you mention ‘fry’. If the ‘fry’ is breaded, you may need to drop the breading. you may want to look on the forum for resources that will help you figure out what macros might help you tailor your food needs.

Yes i am following a macro calculator and i sticking to the units also no breading what so ever just frying the fish/chicken directly with some spice marinations no flours/breading in it

Eat when you’re hungry, time of day does not matter as far as keto is concerned.

i am doing that

Artificial sweetners (like in diet soda) might be spiking your BG, that does happen to some people.

i didnt know that…i used to drink 6 Coke zeros a day before starting keto now drinking 1 coke zero and 1 talking rain (plain soda) but i will try and give up diet coke .

For keto to work for you, you’ll need to stick with it. Don’t beat yourself up though. Don’t count calories, don’t weigh in often, make sure your’e getting adequate protein and plenty of fat (macros).
i am no way quitting … i decided myself that i should at-least try 100 days whether it works or not .
so unless i get hospitalized i am not stopping before june

So just one more detail needed …

In the night i prepare a salad with almost (18 ingredients spinach,kale,bell peppers,feta cheese,parmigiano reggino,olive oil,onion,broccoli,mushroom,sunflower seeds,macadamia nuts,egg,avocado,flax seeds,sesame seeds,olives ,lettuce ) generally this comes about 25 Grams carbs … but the Net carbs is only between 11-12 and as a whole net carbs through the day include this night salad is less that 20-21 carbs but the total regular carbs exceed could this be a cause for my morning spike should i calculate total or net carbs

(km) #8

Hey Sure…

But as said the weight is not going down by much as per the doctors equipment it went from 217.3 in last week of feb(in between reached 210.5 as well) to 214.5 today (i started keto 27 Feb) any suggestions on how improve weight loss

(Candy Lind) #9

Don’t worry about the morning spike. Search on the forums for “dawn phenomenon.” Many people experience this.

Make sure you are eating enough. If you are eating breakfast at 10-10:30 you should not be hungry again by 1:00. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you don’t eat enough, your body will not release any of your fat to use for energy. Track your food with a tracker like cronometer or My Fitness Pal and make sure you are eating what the keto calculator said you should be eating. If you have not used a keto calculator, then go to the “how to” section in the Newbies sub-forum and follow the instructions.

You said you had some physical complaints including headache and “floating” - meaning dizziness? You may not be getting enough salt. You have to eat a LOT of salt on keto. Aim for 4000mg/day and watch it in your tracker. I make bottles of water with a little salt (1/8 tsp (not quite 1 g)) and lime or lemon juice in them, and drink them all through the day. If you get a headache, put a pinch of salt on your tongue and swallow it. If you are low on salt, it should help in just a few minutes. If it does, Take another pinch or two. Electrolytes are important in keto and must be kept in balance and high enough levels. You must also drink plenty of water (I suggest 2-2.5 liters at least).

Don’t give up! Make sure you take your medications as the doctor says you should and make decisions about reducing or discontinuing them together. Please keep asking questions and we’ll do everything we can to help.

(km) #10

can somebody help answer this specfic question is it total or net calories i should be counting …should i cut some of the ingredients?

(Tubeman) #11

I think people mostly count net carbs. You should err on the side of fewer carbs, especially in the beginning. Also be aware that some non-carb foods affect insulin. For some people, cheese, too much protein, and artificial sweeteners raise insulin.

Salad ingredients look good but if you’re not vegetarian, fatty meats could be a good addition. A breakfast of bacon and eggs in not only highly delicious, but keeps your full for a long time (bacon is also a yummy way of getting salt).

Keep at it! Your body will go through a bunch of changes as it adapts and heals. Weight loss will vary, but at some point you will feel fantastic and full of energy, and that will help fuel your continuing efforts.

(km) #12

Hey Thanks guy for all the update …( Special Thank you for Candy Lind for telling me about Dawn phenomenon after reading about it and going through all the data… it helped me calm down and wait for things to happen )

Looks like i am finally breaking in

Starting last Friday my sugar started coming down from 145 … 137 …131 today its 122
Also finally weight loss is happening its 208(started at 217+) so its almost a month …
Yepp Patience is a virtue

Feb 27th : 217.7 lbs Meds: Metformin, januvia ,Glipizide BG Fasting:(270-300mg/Dl) Post pandrial:(300-400 Mg/Dl)

Mar 26th : 208 lbs Meds: Metformin BG Fasting (120 -125 Mg/Dl) Post pandriall:(125-130 Mg/Dl)

Important Notes from my Experience:

Using Bayer contour (the most accurate meter tried 3 different meters this one is always spot on and doesnt vary with the same blood sample ) and do a lot of testing (helps me keep tracking i check line 7 times a day) and use a logging app for both food and Blood sugars(the graphs and reading help understand whats going on helps backtracking and keeps the motivation going on) caluclate ur macro’s and Do register with Ketogenic forums(this the sad part for me …being a man who spends significant time on internet how come i didn’t know about Keto and ketogenicforums earlier )

(Candy Lind) #13

You’re here NOW, and that’s what counts. :grin:

(km) #14


Days on Keto: 42 Days
Today weight (Apr11): 200.8(started at 217.7)

Blood sugars are hovering over 100 thru the day generally within 98-105 range .


As said in the morning the sugars are high …but now i have better understanding its not the dawn phenomon thats causing it …

in the morning i checked before 8:30 generally my BG is under 105 but after 9:00 its generally at 120- 130+ whether i take breakfast or not it peaks into 140’s by 11 PM it stays like that until 12:30 there after it again normal thru the day i understand that this called feet on the floor phenomenon (it tried eating /not eating but what ever i do its just raising during the time, i tried ACV as well but only for 3-4 days )/

Feet on the floor:
Most people suggest to take insulin in the morning to control this but i dont want to go that route any suggestion please .

Major changes:

no more night pills before dinner(stopped metformin at night) and after food at night is pretty much control @95-105

Stopped eating lunch from this monday on one meal at night and bf in morning (standard 1 omlette +5 almonds)

Apple cider vinegar at night before bed (no effect until now)

i tried small different changes nothing worked this 9-12:30 sugar are almost every day reaching the 140-145 mark) also on major thing is my Urine ketone is also very high during this time on the stix it shows are color darkness closer to 16
but if try the stick at say 7-8 in the morning its only 4

Recently i had my blood work done it say everthing is normal but my ALT is elevated at 70 (AST is normal)
doctor didnot even say anything abt it i only noticed it at home
in the morning when this high are happening i am having foggy and light headache and not feeling comfy .

Any one faced the same please share your experience

info mostly from: