3/6/2017 Continuing Steak Challenge Thread



Day 9 - another fred Flintstone T-bone steak fried in beef tallow plus vitamin supplements

The steak:

Vitamin supplements - this past week I have been growing more and more hungry. But, not a normal hunger. I wouldn’t be able to put another bite of steak in my mouth…it was nauseating. And at the same time, I craved specific foods like lemon and smoked salmon. At the same time, I have been gaining weight, everyday, since I started eating beef. WTF!!! I’m very pissed off about this actually. I would like to test if the weight gain, voracious hunger and cravings for specific foods is associated to the nutrient-deprived beef-only eating. In my previous ZC month long test, I would typically lose weight when switching protein source. Perhaps this has something to do with tapping into more or another set of missing nutrients when I did the switch? I dunno. So far, it’s a mystery. But, now I have a chance to test that hypothesis. So, starting today…I am adding vitamin and mineral supplements, and will see what will happen. This is very new to me. I RARELY take any supplements. The last time i took vitamins was twice a week, taking multivitamin, during my 33 day extended fast. Other than that, I depend on only food for nutrition. I just took a stab in the dark and decided to add Omega 3 oil and Vitamin D (since I was craving fish) and a multivitamin (to get vitamin C and other stuff, since I craved lemon). I’m also adding magnesium and iodide. Here’s the cocktail:

It will be interesting to see what the effect of adding supplements will do with the beef only test. Better yet, I hope I get rid of the terrible bouts of hunger and cravings, and hopefully see my weight go back down.

(Michelle) #42

will be watching!!! Maybe there will be a big whoosh soon?!?


Well, guess what…the effing whoosh did happen!!! I lost weight. First time since starting the steak eating thing. This confirms the previous pattern that was detected. I will plot a graph and show my results as this journey unfolds. Still early in the change. So, we shall see if trend continues.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #44

Whoosh dance!!! :tada::tada::tada:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #45

Seriously interesting @Fiorella! I can understand your frustration. I didn’t really expect to lose weight, but was hoping. No weight lost today. Maybe 6 pounds was it, and maybe all inflammation! IDK. Either way, I’ll take it.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #46

Picked up my meat at Hackenmueller’s butcher shop today. Vince is my new best friend.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #47

9 ribeyes and 5 sirloin, all with a beautifully thick fat cap. I am a happy girl.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #48

Decided on this one pound ribeye tonight. Look at that tail!

(Meeping up the Science!) #49

5lbs since the 28th and 3" in my waist.

Forgot my meds today (sigh) so some water regain since this morning.

Tonight I had another two sirloin tip steaks. 9oz total. Not terribly hungry, so not eating much. Thankfully, I avoided crazy stress eating at work.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #50

I hadn’t eaten for 22 hours. Needed a bit more after the ribeye. Grilled half a sirloin. A very fatty half.

#NOW I’m full!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #51

I took measurements too. Once. I need to see if anything has changed. 6 pounds down, yes. But my belt seems to be in the same place. I’ll measure again in a few days. Not so sure I’ll lose anymore, I really think mine was inflammation.
My body loves meat only. My blood pressure is improving, AND my blood glucose and blood/breath ketones are still optimal.
I decided, after adding up my protein grams, that I need to eat an even higher fat to protein ratio.

Hackenmueller’s butcher shop delivered right on time. When I requested an inch or more of fat cap, Vince listened, brave soul that he is.
The steaks he cut and set aside for me are perfect for this challenge. I need that fat for energy!
Primals do not always come in with such a thick fat cap. Vince watched for it and called me as soon as he saw one.
I love that.
So hard to find these days.

(AnnaLeeThal) #52

I ate some steak today! Finally!

I cooked up the ribeyes I got from Aldi in my Sous Vide and seared one in the skillet, ate about 1/4 of one equaling 175grams. I’ll bring the rest to work tomorrow.


Day 10 - beef top round steak, tenderized, fried in beef tallow, and vitamins/minerals supplementation



I feel so much better today! I am not voraciously hungry. When I finish eating steak, I don’t crave other foods (like before, craving lemon and fish). I also lost weight, for the first time today. I will put together a graph to track this trend. So far, it’s looking like adding supplementation may have affected me. But, I have to test thus hypothesis more rigorously. I’d like to understand why this occurred. Maybe my body has the ability to tell me what nutrients I’m missing, and this is why it forced a feeling of craving certain foods, while hanging on to other nutrients/water/mass while in nutrient deficit? But…Why would this happen under a nutrient deficit? And how? Is there some sort of molecule exchange or ion exchange dynamics happening? For example, if there is not sufficient calcium, hang on to all the potassium and other cations. So, when sufficient calcium enters…whoosh!..there goes the safety stock of potassium and other cations holding calcium’s place?


When I see this picture of you holding the steaks, I’m reminded of the ikea commercial…woman running screaming “…start the car…start the car…start the car…!!!”

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #55

I felt a bit like that woman as I put them in my car, like I just hit the jackpot.
I’ll be buying steaks from Vince on the regular from now on.
Hackenmueller’s ROCKS

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #56

Today I did not wake up hungry. It’s 230 pm and still, no hunger. I am convinced the extra fat I ate yesterday is the reason. I’ll be doing the same for dinner. Hackenmueller’s ribeye, extra fat cap.
My body is very happy right now. I am hoping to see ketone trends improve. They have been adequate.

I, of course, am shooting for optimal.
Time to begin GKI assessments and targeting the very best readings.

Once blood glucose levels are under control and you are registering significant blood ketone levels, the glucose : ketone index (GKI) may be a useful indicator if you want to further fine tune your metabolic health.
The GKI provides an approximation of your insulin levels for people who are already fat adapted.
A GKI of less than 10 is considered to be a low insulin state. A GKI of less than 1 is the goal for cancer patients using therapeutic ketosis.

[Glucose Ketone Index]=[Glucose (mg/dL)]/18.016 (g∗dLmol)[Ketone (mM)]

Looks like calculus. Me likey.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #57

[quote=“Brenda, post:46, topic:8690”]
Picked up my meat at Hackenmueller’s butcher shop today. Vince is my new best friend
[/quote] I have to say I have been dying with all this food porn. The steak pics from all have been luscious and the fat on the Zorn steaks is… too… DIE… for. I wake up thinking “I can’t wait to see the steaks everyone is eating today and how much fat is on Brenda’s cuts.” It’s become an obsession! I’m regretting a tad that I didn’t participate, but I’m happy overall gnawing on my bacon enjoying the group steak journey. Thank you to all for the steak porn!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #58

This morning I made an appointment for my first DEXA scan. I go in next Wednesday. Also looking forward to meeting the owners, who got an earful of excited information when I called. I told them about the forum, 2KetoDudes podcasts, Dr Fung, the Breckenridge Low Carb Conference and me. Lol.

I have wanted a DEXA scan forever. Ever since I learned it existed. I have waited at least a few years.

This will be my baseline. I will finally have an accurate bodyfat percentage, LBM, and a view of my remaining visceral fat (<—most of my interest lies here!).

The cost $150, but I found a Groupon deal for $99!!

What does this have to do with steak?
Pay attention. Lol

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #59

Day 11

Hackenmueller’s treasure. 15.5 ounce ribeye.

(dawn.hakala) #60

I walked out of mine last August crying with so much fucken excitement, I couldn’t handle it. even have the guy a hug and thanked him!!!