Hi All!
If I have a large serving of fat, I’ll have intense diarrhea within 2 hours, nearly every time. I’ve been zero carb - eating almost exclusively 85/15 ground beef or steak with added butter and tallow - for 2.5 years. Everything is great when I do that. However, if I suddenly introduce even just a bit more fat, I’d better be within rapid access to the facilities. Some examples include:
- I ate a pound of burger patties using 80/20. Usually I don’t make patties, so most often far more fat is rendered out.
- I was invited out for lunch so opted for a large portion of salmon, cooked in butter.
- I had a tin of cod livers for a mid-day snack
Each of these “experiments” had the same result.
I’ve tried adding an ox bile supplement before a high-fat food without success. Nor would I have expected low bile production to be the cause, given the length of time I’ve been eating exclusively fatty meat. Thoughts on that…?
I’m wondering if the bile production is fine but the reabsorption is the culprit. Anyone have any experience with that?
Again… 90% of the time, everything is great. BM’s are regular and consistent and I have no complaints after 2.5 years of a carnivore WOE. It’s just when I suddenly introduce something with a bit more fat than usual, even though I’m eating relatively high fat (somewhere close to 50/50 fat/protein) to begin with.