2 more NSVs!


2 more fun NSVs to report:

My skin is not as dry as it used to be. Normally, I have to use some heavy-duty lotion in order to keep dry skin away and even when I’d use it every morning and every evening, it wouldn’t make much of a dent. But now after eating keto for a smidge over a month, my skin is not dry anymore! The worst location used to be my feet. Ugh, my feet used to be so dry and horrible. But now? Not anymore!

My fingernails have changed, too. There aren’t any more little white spots on them. It was usually 1 or 2 on most of my fingernails. Now, there’s nothing. And my nails are a lot stronger as well. Before keto, my nails would break or split pretty frequently. That doesn’t happen anymore!

(Cindy) #2

That’s great! I wish keto was working on my dry skin. I have a patch on my back that drives me crazy every winter. Some years, though, it’d also be other places, so at least this year, it’s just my back. So maybe keto has helped there.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

I get itchy rashes on the backs of my hands in wintertime. Keto has helped a lot, though not eliminated the problem completely.

(Bob M) #4

Supposedly, dry skin is a symptom of low iodine level. Not sure how much I believe this, but I’ve been taking iodine and my dry skin has seemed to be getting better…and it’s incredibly dry and cold now.


My skin has been a lot better also. The heels of my feet were cracked but are much smoother now (with no lotion). :slight_smile: