2 months keto but still don't have much energy

(Marianne) #25

Honestly, it took me 4.5 months to become “fat adapted” and have tons of energy. I ate clean keto, no cheating, and figured it would happen way before that.

To get the fat “macros,” on things like pork chops, just google “pork chop nutritional values,” or similar and you can see how may fat grams are in a serving.

If you have trouble getting enough fat, you could try a bulletproof coffee. I think they are delicious.

(B) #26

It took me 3 months and 1 week to feel good while exercising! I like to bicycle and I just felt weak while out on my rides! But after the 3 month mark I felt like I could go longer than I could preketo without feeling weak, tired or hungry.
I too was at a good weight starting keto. I just needed to drop the 5lbs. menopause gifted me.I told myself if I didn’t feel better while exercising at the 3 to 3.5 mark there was no use continuing. I just didn’t feel as strong. Yay for the 3 month improvement and I believe things will change for you as they did for me and others. Keto for 10 months now!

(Anna ) #27

This is something I have struggled with all my life (I’m 51 now). I’ve never liked meat because of the texture and appearance. Even when I’m eating processed meats, which I prefer, if I bite into a piece of cartridge, fat, gristle or anything that is not smooth meat, I will gag and it will come back out. This unfortunately ruins my meal and I have a hard time finishing the meat. I don’t want to force myself to eat food that I don’t enjoy, so I’m trying to figure out other ways of eating animal fats.

I have no problems eating bacon and I collect the bacon fat and make meals with it. I also eat the fat from the 85% ground beef. I’ve actually decided I’m going to buy a jar of pork lard since I only get so much from cooking my own bacon.

(Anna ) #28

I don’t drink coffee but I do take MCT oil daily.

(Katie) #29

I understand, I am sorry that you struggle with this. Perhaps over time it will become easier? Interesting that bacon is okay for you, despite it being fatty; probably just because it is a different texture? I am wondering if you could try beef bacon and use that as a transition/gateway into gradually getting fattier meats into your diet? Just a thought.

Tallow is similar to pork lard. Maybe use them kind of like butter? Spread them on lean meat that you can palate? Please be careful about your sourcing of lard and tallow; the conventional stuff in the giant tubs at the supermarkets is not good for you. I like Epic brand.

Have you considered making bulletproof coffees or fat bombs to increase your fats?

(mole person) #30

It’s too bad about your aversion to animal meat textures. I had a severe migraine problem. Several each week and frequently they lasted days. The ketogenic diet helped a fair bit but I still got them quite regularly. But going strictly all meat has put the condition into full remission. I don’t have them at all. But the diet is pretty extreme and 80% of calories come from meat fats so I’m not sure it’s much use to you.

I must say though that textures that weren’t appealing to me at the start are now just great so you may find that after some time on keto your own tastes change.

(Anna ) #31

I don’t drink coffee and most of the fat bomb recipes seem to use alcohol sugars or stevia. I take 2 TBS of MCT oil twice every day with meals, those are my fat bombs.

(Anna ) #32

OK, a few of you were intersected in how many calories I eat, and how much protein and fat. Here are my 5 last meals. I’m 5’ 5" and 110 lbs.

1.15.20 11:30AM
Calories 1,264
Fat 117
Carbs 17
Protein 39

1.15.20 7:00PM
Calories 1,317
Fat 161
Carbs 32
Protein 66

1.16.20 12:00PM
Calories 1,288
Fat 118
Carbs 20
Protein 37

1.16.20 7:30PM
Calories 1,250
Fat 111
Carbs 26
Protein 41

1.17.20 11:30AM
Calories 1,101
Fat 101
Carbs 19
Protein 30

(mole person) #33

I’m usually the lone voice around here saying that keeping protein controlled is good on keto but even I think that your protein is quite low. You should probably be targetting at a bare minimum 50 grams a day of protein.

(Anna ) #35

If I was eating dairy I could easily get more fat and protein :frowning: I already 2 eat eggs every day and some nuts. Still having too many carbs, mostly because I love broccoli and Brussel Sprouts and it’s hard to limit those to 1/2 cup when I can easily eat 2 cups. I need to swap out some of the veggies for meat.

I was eating higher protein and lower carbs two weeks ago, very little vegetables and no keto breads. Pretty much every meal was meat, eggs and avocados, and some nuts but I was not enjoying my meals as much as when I eat veggies and keto breads. Trying to find that balance.

On another note, yesterday was the first day in weeks where I seemed to have more energy and actually managed to clean the house a bit. Today I’m feeling more energized as well, so I think I’m finally crawling out of this low energy hole :slight_smile:

(mole person) #36

I think if you are already slim it’s even more important for you to meet minimum protein levels. People actively losing fat may be able to get away with slightly less because their bodies are catabolising protein structures that support the fat tissues that they are reducing. Thus they have a larger daily endogenous protein source. But if you don’t meet your needs your body had no choice but to catabolise tissues that are not surplus to requirements.

(Katie) #37

An easy fat bomb ‘recipe’ that I like is to stir cocoa powder into coconut oil, dollop onto a flat surface, sprinkle with salt, and freeze. They can be ready to eat within 15 minutes. No sweetener required.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #39

@london2z Cease and desist. You’ve posted the two same comments and variations on multiple topics. That’s rude and obnoxious. Please stop it. If you want to convince us of our folly, start your own topic and state your case. Stop trying to derail existing topics with your current pet theory.

(DHrec) #40

I’m on day 23 and have never ever lacked as much energy as this. I supplements with magnesium and cod liver oil. Eat fat fat fat and lots of green veg, avocado, eggs,salmon, beef, chicken thighs etc etc etc but after 23 days of not giving my body more than 1% carbs I’d be amazed if it thinks the sugar rush is coming. Surely it knows by now the foods and nutrition I’m serving is for the long haul. Sorry I’d I’m being hasty but it’s frustrating as hell feeling this lethargy all the time.


how about taking exogenous ketones?

(DHrec) #42

Never tried them, any you’d recommend, thank you

(Wendy) #43

You may just need more salt.


go to netrition.com

(DHrec) #45

I salt all my foods with pink Himalayan salt and also have 2 glasses of salted water each day.
Add to this cod liver oil and magnesium, nutritional yeast and a b vitamin complex.

(Wendy) #46

Well you can wait it out and see if that helps. I’ve been eating low carb/keto for over 2 years now and don’t remember how long it took to feel energized. I never tracked macros with an app or anything. I know I was tired for awhile, but it passed. I also know I need a lot of salt or I don’t feel well.
Do what you want to do. Have you checked out Dietdoctor.Com? I found a lot of help there in the beginning.
It’s your life do what you want. If you aren’t comfortable find another way to eat that you do. Best to you!