#139: Catherine Seo - Lipedema Awareness


Originally published at: https://ketowomanpodcast.com/139-2/

Daisy's latest extraordinary woman, Catherine, talks about her experience with lipedema as well as the fantastic work she does increasing awareness of the disease. 

Catherine Seo, PhD is Founder & Director of Lipedema Simplified and Executive Director of The Lipedema Project, course director for MasterClass: Beyond Lipedema and a professor of psychology.

She produced and directed the documentary, The Disease They Call FAT, and was one of the co-authors of the book, Lipedema-The Disease They Call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians.

Catherine's research focuses on empowering women who experience the distortions of body image and the role of nutrition for treating lipedema. She holds a doctorate in Psychology with a concentration in Media.

She has lipedema, lymphedema, and has struggled with obesity. Catherine brings knowledge, compassion, and humor to living with a chronic condition.





Catherine’s email: catherine@lipedema-simplified.org

Lipedema membership site

Catherine’s Documentary The Disease They Call Fat

Catherine’s book Lipedema - The Disease They Call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians

Do You have Lipedema? Quiz

A guide to self diagnosing Lipedema and Lipo-Lymphedema

Dr Leslyn Keith’s book The Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders

Dr Karen Herbst demonstrates Lipedema Diagnosis

Catherine's Top Tip

End Quote

(Bunny) #2

What is so strange is how lipedema and lymphedema resemble lipohypertrophy
from continuous insulin injection sites and how the interstitium, Bikman talks about (below) is actually an organ not just a fluid filled space and possibly being filled with insulin? I seen some photos of this when an insulin pump is used also?


The Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders

”…Theories and Possible Mechanisms

Why does the ketogenic diet work so well for people with lipedema? There are multiple theories about the mechanisms involved. Here are a few ideas.

Onset and Timing

The onset of lipedema correlates with naturally-occurring times of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, like puberty, pregnancy, menopause. These are natural periods in a woman’s life where she will have a high tendency to increase body fat. Dr. Robert Cywes, specialist in weight management and bariatric surgery for adults and adolescents, suggests that women with lipedema may have an innate hypersensitivity to insulin and/or a tendency toward higher levels of insulin in the blood.

Lipoprotein Lipase

Paul Mason, MD, Specialist Registrar in the Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Medicine, noted that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is used in the body to store fat and is stimulated by increased levels of the hormone insulin. Women with lipedema have an increased concentration of LPL in lipedema fat.

Safe Storage

Paula Stewart, MD, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Specialist, advanced the notion that women with lipedema are “the mothers of our species” with the ability to store fat in “safer” areas of the body beyond the abdomen. In this theory, women with lipedema are advanced survivors, better able to reproduce and care for their young in times of famine.

Sex Hormone Dominance

Dr. Gabriele Faerber, specialist in phlebology and lymphology, including nutritional medicine, in Germany, noted that since increased insulin leads to increased aromatase activity and increased conversion of sex hormones to estrogens, women with lipedema tend to show estradiol dominance.

Painful Fat

Ben Bikman, PhD, scientist and professor with a special emphasis on the origins and consequences of metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes, found that hypertrophy of fat cells leads to insulin resistance and the leaking of fat and inflammatory proteins into the interstitium. Could this be the cause of painful fat?

Famine Response Hypothyroidism

Carol Rowsemitt, PhD, RN, FNP is a Family Nurse Practitioner with a specialty in obesity and thyroid functioning. Her research found that repeated weight loss attempts lead to a type of famine response hypothyroidism that is not detected with traditional testing. It may be revealed that many women with lipedema are hypothyroid, which further limits the ability to lose weight. …” …More