Zero weight loss, want to give up

(Linda Love) #41

Why is everyone telling you to lower protein when 120 grams in ounces is only a little over 4 oz? That’s bananas! Up your protein. Who lives on 4 oz of protein a day? Who? Lab Rat Rocko?

(Angela) #42

I might be the oddball here but I would cut some of the fat and place that in the protein camp. Find out what your caloric deficit is too lose fat and stick to it. Check out @ketoincanada on instagram. Set her macros to 1400 calories (a deficit to her) and stuck to it religiously. I think her macros were 20-30 carbs, 75 grams of protein and 110 fat. She also was consistent and patient.


A one pound steak has 79 grams of protein. Are you doing a straight gram/ounce conversion? That won’t get the correct protein grams in various foods.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #44

Four ounces is the amount of protein contained in a one-pound steak.

When we recommend an amount of protein, we are recommending an amount of protein, not an amount of meat, which always contains fat and other things, as well as protein.

(Linda Love) #45

Then I am totally figuring everything incorrectly and I feel silly about it. How can you have a protein total, but then have 16 oz of meat? Totally confused with these calculations.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #46

It’s a good question, and here’s the answer:

One Web site I looked at gave the protein content of steak as 25% by weight. (It depends on the cut, but let’s go with 25% for this example.) That means 1/4 of the steak is protein.

Now for the arithmetic: 1.0 lb = 454 g, so 1 oz = 28.375 g. Now kilfli’s protein macro is 120 grams, which as you said, works out to just under 4.25 oz. So since it just so happens that steak is 1/4 protein, 4.25 * 4 = 17 oz., so kilfli’s total meat intake (if all of it were steak), would be just under 17 oz. That’s over a pound of meat.

It’s a bit more complicated, of course, because not all meats work out to such round numbers—not even meat from different places on the same cow. But if kilfli has 5 oz. of bacon for breakfast, then a certain percentage will be protein (5 * 7%, or 0.35 oz.), and she would do a similar calculation for the meat at lunch and supper, and add them all together to get the total amount of protein.

Fortunately, protein doesn’t need to be precisely on target, there is some wiggle room. But the reason people were saying that kilfli’s protein might be too high is that the usual recommended amount is 1.0 g/kg of lean body mass, and we know that she weighs 180 pounds, or 81.8 kilos. Assuming she’s only 20% fat, her lean body mass would be 65.4 kilos, and 120 grams is nearly twice the usual recommendation. As it happens, there is some wiggle room, because various experts recommend from 0.8 g/kg to 2.0 g/kg, so 120 g is actually within range but close to the top. However, about a pound of meat for a 6-foot-tall woman (or man, for that matter) doesn’t seem all that far out of line.

Hope this helps.

(Robert) #47

This might not help or even apply to you but I found today I have been getting hidden carbs from Tums Smoothies, almost 20g a day just from the Tums. I have only recently come off of Nexium for acid reflux and have been fighting heartburn with tums. Now it turns out I have been getting alot extra carbs from them. Might be worth looking into any meds you take, script and OTC.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #48

Good point, and not only that, but certain medications have weight gain as a side effect, quite apart from hidden carbs. :frowning: