Worst Anti Keto Stories Your Friends Have Tried to Scare You With r


What are some of the worst anti keto anecdotes your friends have scared you with?

Honestly this one did scare me.

Someone my friend knew personally who was in his 40s lost 40 lbs with Keto, was bragging about how he ate as much bacon as he wanted, looked great. He was on keto for over 2 years and then is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and dies in a month

Sad and scary but he probably had it before keto and it might have held it at bay?

(Ken Early) #2

Buddy, he had cancer prior to keto.

(Allie) #3

They’ve not said anything bad at all because I’m very careful who I allow into my life as a friend.


I have known the friend who told me the story since 1980. Throughout that time she has been a loyal and steadfast friend. She has no dietary agenda as she has never had a weight problem and does not focus on food much

While some people are malicious, I think people will tell you stories because they are genuinely concerned. They hear the media and believe sugar is fine and fat is the enemy. Until they have done intense research, why would they believe otherwise?

I can also tell you vegetarian stories, like my friend’s husband who keeled over from a widowmaker while playing tennis at a competitive masters level. He played 5 times a week and exercised the other days as well because he enjoyed it

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

It’s not always wise to read too much into events. Sometimes things happen from just random chance.

(Linda Culbreth) #6

Association does not equal causation.


Diet and exercise helps but there are other factors at work. Genes are a biggie. Maybe the genes won, maybe he got 2 more years because he was doing keto. And not everyone does keto alike, so too many variables at play to say why he died. Maybe it was as Richard Bach says “his work here was done”.

I would just assume that :bacon: was innocent. Haven’t heard anyone associate it with pancreatic cancer, just heart attacks.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #8

The whole idea of “He went keto and now he’s dead” thing smacks a little bit of blaming the victim. But if we’re going to do it, how’s 'bout “He didn’t eat enough bacon, so he died”? Just goes to show how ridiculous the whole thing is.

My choice would be, “But at least he had two really good years on keto before he died.”


Or maybe he should have eaten the whole :pig2: He would have been fine then, I’m sure of it.

You’re probably correct, he had two good years and his body fit comfortably in the casket as a result of it.