Will lemon water kick me out of ketosis?

(Shawna Winn) #21

Hi guys. I know this is many months after the original comment however I decided to post in case someone new, like myself, reads this. The acidity of the original food has little relevance on whether it creates and acid or alkaline reaction in the body. Meat, as just one example, is acidic however it is not so to the taste. When determining if a food is alkaline or acid forming it depends on the minerals within the food. Foods that are higher in calcium, magnesium and potassium are more alkalizing.

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid in order to activate pepsin in the stomach - the enzyme that begins digestion of protein. Bile, in the small intestines, alkalizes the food as it comes from the stomach. Most of the absorption of nutrients happens in the small intestines. Iā€™m not clear whether lemon water, drank away from a meal, would cause the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid as there is no proteins in lemon water? My guess is it would not.

(Haimiko) #22

Would be great if any endeavoring individual, with a blood ketone meter, would be willing to perform a science experiment and check if citric acid in water affects the ketone level.