Why am I not losing in my booty, hips, or thighs when fasting?!?!?!?


(Gretchen Johnson) #1

I have been on Keto since December 10th, and have lost 17.9 pounds. I am .9 pounds from my first goal of 140, which I have been at before. The difference in my body composition with keto and fasting for me is that the top portion of my body is slim, but my booty, hips and thighs are not slimming down the same way.

I believe I saw a video somewhere that said that fasting affects the top portion of your body more than the bottom, but that just doesn’t seem fair, and I can’t find that video currently… (I can tell this is the situation when I try on that same dress from before I was at this weight and my hips are not acceptable in it sadly).

Anyone else experience this? How do I fix it :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance!!!

(Allie) #2

You can’t control where it goes from, but stick with it because it will go.

(Ethan) #3

You can’t control it. I have been losing mostly lower section and not upper.

(Gretchen Johnson) #4

I found the video I was referring to!

(Zoe ) #5

I think a similar thing might be happening to me! I am losing weight in those areas but much less than my waist and upper body. My waist has lost maybe 8cm but my hips only 4 or 5cm. My partner commented the other day that now I have hips, possibly because I am now smaller around the waist and upper body. I am ok with it though I think I might now suit different clothes. And I plan on sticking at it and think that more will come off. I think at least this fat distribution is considered healthier for females.

The keto may be affecting our hormones in a positive way and this may be meaning that you body is storing on the bottom half. Robert Cywes speaks about how his female patients don’t lose weight at the start and I expect that these reasons would have similar affects on the redistribution of body fad proportion. I have linked to him in this link below, with the podcast I heard it in.

(Allie) #6

When I was still trying to lose, it went from my upper body first. I just assumed it was because that’s where it had got to last - so like a last in first out because I had put the fat on my bottom half first. Then after a few months, it just suddenly vanished from my legs (all over them) to the point of my skinny jeans feeling a bit loose.

Just stick with it and trust the process.


@Gretchen_Johnson seems like you’ve made some amazing progress! I don’t weigh, I only measure - and I lost 4+ inches from waist and only about an inch from hips, and thighs nothing so far. I’m not sure what kind of fasting you’re doing or why - but I think EF is only conducive for significantly obese folks or for specific autophagy healing regimens. Otherwise, RANDOM intermittent fasting keeps the body on its toes while it continues to do lot of organ repair and work on internal intra-abdominal/visceral fat that it prioritizes over subcutaneous fat. So that’s something to keep in mind!

Also, impaired lymphatic clearance is a thing for A LOT of people in industrial culture. (It’s also conceivable that in certain females the body hangs onto its shock absorption fat during extended fasting or everyday continuous IF even more!)

Lymphatic issues are real - the body’s history with sugars & carbs & nutritional deficiencies since childhood may mean gut/microbiome dysbiosis, a fatty or sluggish liver, and low grade tissue stress that has evolved to the point of tissue destruction such as varicosities and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). More research is happening on inflammation and how it is a huge factor, as well as nutritional deficiencies.

B-vitamins from beef liver, collagen from bone broth (taken with liposomal vit c for absorption & uptake), along with certain anti-inflammatory herbs/spices can do wonders over time. There’s a lot that’s reversable given the chance to change!

High cortisol due to both unmanageable stress and natural midlife lower tolerance of certain stresses due to maturity/gravitas is a very real thing - and belly fat accumulation as well as some degree of ‘dieter’s edema’ may be in play because of it. Fat in the booty/hips/thighs in females may be very slow to change, as it is where most of our shock absorption is! And makes the pear-shaped less susceptible to certain kinds of heart disease. The body is actually smart like that. It can and will recompose, but slowly - the hormonal orchestrations are vast.

I do strongly believe that the lack of spices and superfoods in both the Standard American Diet and also some versions of western LCHF/keto way of life can contribute to stagnation, congestion, and inflammation. Asian & African cultures who’ve traditionally eaten tons of Ginger and Turmeric along with other spices and herbs are known for their agile elders (up until just recently after the effects of more industrial fats and sugars) whilst western culture is more hit n’ miss, depending on regional cultures. I’ve found supplementing with Ginger root powder super helpful for lower body circulation and a bunch of other stuff. Turmeric is also similarly a superfood. Garlic is too, except it’s super-heating and can overheat/dry out the body in high/medicinal doses. Additional herbal allies that go back into western european herbalism like Horse Chestnut and Butcher’s Broom are amazing for circulation and anti-inflammation - they are just a lot pricier than Ginger.

This article is pretty fascinating on lymph matters: - it may or may not apply to you of course: https://www.wellnessresources.com/news/chronic-venous-insufficiency-managing-stagnant-fluids-and-inflammation-in-t

Ultimately as @Shortstuff points out, sticking with it and trusting the process is huge. And LCHF/keto is a lifelong process of restoration & recomposition. Those who are maintenance keto are still in a process of cultivating health & rejuvenation, etc.

(Pete A) #8

This is common. If you google body composition or belly fat you will find much discussion and advice on the subject.

Of course it’s different for everyone and will take time. Personally it’s the last place I have remaining fat, but it is slowly shrinking. My chest/upper body is lean. Amazingly, I’m literally losing from the outside to my belly button, but I have a long way to go. I only IF 15/9, with a modest exercise program to do the deed!

Good luck.

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #9

Oh please please please :pray:t2:

I have been losing steadily in what I call the “upper chest” and the “lower chest”. I do not measure the, ahem, “middle chest”. I think - back fat and or visceral fat - YAY!

I don’t gain much in butt/thighs but I would like to see something happen in those areas once I get rid of the fat around my heart!

I would really appreciate if my body would shop at The Abdominal Fat Store though. :laughing:. TYSM.

(Briton) #10

Do you lift or do body weight exercises? Squats would help tone.

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #11

LOL. I don’t gain much fat in the lower body. My gainz are on point though. Yes, I lift…sqauts with weighted barbell etc. I did see a “sick” new program thats mostly body weight exercise but I have 8 more weeks if my current program.

(Susan Lawrence) #12

You are so lucky! I would love if my body lost weight from the middle and I got to keep my booty. When I was at this weight before my waist was actually 5 inches less. My figure was always very “womanly” Now it’s looking much more boyish .
I bet this also depends on age. I am now 66 years old. I’m only doing keto for happy mitochondria and autophagy. I did lose some weight. But I really wanted to lose my belly fat.

(KCKO, KCFO) #13

I am the exact opposite of the OP. I always have lost first in the lower body. The waist area is always the last to go. While I am a vintage lady now, I always had losses happen in the lower parts first. I’m just happy I finally got under the dreaded 35" waist measure finally. So far it is staying off too.


(Zoe ) #14

I think it does have to do with age. I notice differences in shape with women as they age. It makes sense to change shape if you body no longer needs to store fat in certain areas or you hormones have changed. Not to mean it is not extremely frustrating. Also maybe check out the 2KetoDudes women podcast episode or the Keto Women extrodinary woman podcast that might shed some light on women specific things.


(Miss E) #15

it’s an evolutionary thing, your body stores fat there for safety so it’s sometimes the last place to lose.

(Louise ) #16

What program would that be?!

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #17

Right now I’m on Jamie Easton’s 12 Week Trainer. Next I want to do FYR which uses minimal equipment and is 30 mins 5x/week for 4 weeks. Kind of like Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30 but more intense.

They are both from bodybuilding.com which charges a monthly fee now. It’s worth it for me though.

(Susan Lawrence) #18

I have listened to the keto women podcast. These podcasts are such a big part of my life! I’ve listened to so many keto related podcasts and have learned so much.
I feel so good I couldn’t imagine doing anything differently. Although I am doing the Zorn fast this month. But that is specific for autophagy.