Why am I hungry? Questions to myself

(Patrick L Anderson) #1

I’ve learned through successes and failures (mostly failures) to analyze why I’m wanting to eat and it is usually one of four reasons.

  1. I’m bored and there’s the fridge or cupboard to rummage through.
  2. Habit - (Oh it’s lunchtime, I must be hungry!)
  3. I’m thirsty and down on electrolytes and it’s disguising itself as hunger - (Especially if I’ve
    been running or working in the yard)
  4. I’m actually hungry.

When it’s number 4, I usually make better choices.

Any similar experiences out there? Maybe I’m overthinking things.

(Marianne) #2

Mine is usually No. 1.

  1. I can’t even imagine how anyone can be bored in this world under normal circumstances. So it’s not mine. I did have something like this when I got enough of work for a while and I was at my workplace so I hadn’t so many options not involving keeping sitting at my desk. But I drank tea or coffee then. If I am not hungry, I am not hungry and yes, I can eat without hunger but I still have a natural timing…

  2. It’s more like “my SO sat down for lunch” for me. It’s quite tempting. Especially after I have cooked a nice meal… I need some determination and inability to eat to skip that. Sometimes I try to resist but it’s hard. It doesn’t help that 3pm (our workday lunchtime) is a time when I feel ready to eat my first meal. It’s my natural mealtime, the most important one, I have this since decades… Habits may have something to do with it but it’s only a minor factor I am sure.
    I often actually get a proper hunger sign for lunch - just because it’s lunchtime and there is the food and my SO. I can handle it now as I broke with my old “if I am hungry, I eat” rule but it does make things even more difficult.

  3. Thirst is nothing like hunger so it’s super weird to me. But I am almost always thirsty so I almost always drink… No dehydration in my life! :smiley:

No, hunger is a very interesting topic. I could write a long essay about my different true hunger signs :smiley: And my other signs urging me to eat. I need to eat without hunger in some cases and I have to ignore hunger in others. Or I may ignore it. I have this tiny soft lovely hunger that doesn’t make me want food at all. It’s just a soft warning for the not to far away future or maybe not even that. I love it, I feel free if I have only that.

My major urges deserving their point would be…
5. Need to refuel. I start to feel dizzy, weak, unfocused… It isn’t accompanied by hunger but I know I should eat. I never ignore this as it feels awful and anyway, you don’t argue with a body like mine when it gets serious. I don’t get WHY I get this below 24 hour fast but I suppose my body is afraid of it dying of hunger suddenly (I have about 50lbs of extra fat and some muscle I can live without but it is apparently not enough for the little drama queen).
6. Temptation/appetite. I am totally vulnerable to them (if they are not super weak), if they happen, I eat. There is no way around this but a good woe helps a lot and it’s not as bad as it may sound anyway.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #4

Perhaps, perhaps not. When I asked a similar question when I was new to the forums, one of the tips I got was to think about making some eggs. If it seemed like too much effort, than it wasn’t real hunger, they said. That’s been a useful guide for me.

One of the other things I’ve learned is that if my emotional needs are prompting the eating, I can minimise the damage by having a keto snack: leftover bacon, cheese, pork rinds, some pepperoni, basically protein and fat. I find that a little of that is usually quite satisfying, and it doesn’t make me fat(ter) again. And sometimes just having a cup of coffee is enough.

If you find you are truly hungry between meals, eat something low-carb and high-fat, then increase the size of your meals going forward. You could even cook a full meal, eat enough to satisfy your hunger, and save the rest for your next meal. In general, once the body has re-regulated itself, it is possible to go many hours between meals, which is a distinct difference from the continual eating recommended as a strategy for dealing with the constant hunger of a high-glucose, high-insulin diet (in other words, lots of carbs).

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #5

Yeah mine is usually No1 … and that’s when you eat crap. I’m a bit strange because eating anything, even good stuff, makes me more hungry.
There’s food addiction too.

(Bob M) #6

I find I get hungry after I start eating. Maybe this would be 5?

I can’t tell you the number of times I go home, I’m not hungry, but then I start eating with the family…and end up eating a normal meal. Not always, but many times.


I don’t. Okay I swap boredom with something else but close enough. I don’t feel my life give me enough joy and thing to focus on and at least want to consume something. Now it’s carni food, it’s my fav anyway. I definitely desire them over most other things. But I know some ketoers don’t love desire towards carby food even after years and I mean regular desire, not what I have.
And if it’s just having something, drinks may work too. Usually with some calories though.
But I clearly feel I am not hungry. Though it may be some very soft baby hunger-like feelings. But usually just lack of satiation and I can’t always handle that state.

Yep. My SO and I have this too and probably very many people - but apparently not the majority. At least whatever I saw in real life and in novels/fanfics/movies.

It’s virtually always for us. We just can’t do tiny meals, he never can, I can but only under very special circumstances. Most prominent is after eating a ton, way over my energy need - but not in the last few hours.

I consider it very normal. Some people need bigger meals. Of course our body, who minded its own business, being fine without food gets triggered by some bites and want a proper meal then.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #8

This is the cooking concept known as the “appetiser.” A tasty morsel of food stimulates the appetite. It’s perfectly normal. Since we evolved from ancestors who often didn’t know where their next meal was coming from, it makes sense that we would be able to eat if there is food available.

But on the whole, it is better to eat only when hungry, not according to the clock. Though I do find that when I allow my appetite to be stimulated and I eat for social reasons, I may not want my noonday meal the next day. In any case, I don’t gain poundage, except temporarily, and my waistline does not expand.


Laughing so hard right now, as I move to my fridge after typing this. :joy: JUST READING that sentence caused a growl in my stomach and the thought of making eggs was like that anticipation I get when I’m about to start an art project. I’m all giddy, and for the flavor too. Lmaooo - guess I’m hungry!

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #10



And getting hungry from a tiny food when there isn’t more is against that. If I find a little food, I must fast as it’s more pleasant than eating it… (Okay, maybe in a survival situation I would rather suffer than not eating the precious morsel but in my current life, NO WAY. Even my SO who handles hours of hunger every day just fine, refuses to eat a meal if it’s small. Staying hungry feels much better than feeling totally starved.)

But both kind (being fine with a little food or not) makes some sense. But why we humans are so different? Most people are fine with eating little food. They eat a sandwich over fasting while the latter is way more pleasant and logical to me. If I eat, that is better a proper sized meal! But not everyone is like this. (What I always fail to understand and I wonder if it’s a movie/novel/fanfic thing or real for someone is when people eat an apple when hungry. It’s the last thing I would eat then as an apple has the power to make me starving when I am perfectly satiated and would be for several hours… At least it was years ago. And anyway, apple isn’t food, it’s a sugary drink with crunch or something. Nature’s non-satiating candy - though I understand satiation is extremely individual, there aren’t really any truly general rules about it. Maybe some people get satiated by an apple. I needed 1kg banana and it only lasted for an hour… And it was banana, a special, somewhat satiating fruit. Most fruits make me hungry, no matter what.)

This is an interesting topic :slight_smile: I suppose our appetite and hunger and need for fuel are more or less influenced by the previous day(s) for most of us… It’s very weak for me and my SO basically have tabula rasa, apparently (though he doesn’t have extremely unusual days. like, fast day or 2 times the usual amount of food. there is still a significant variance but it doesn’t seem to do anything with the next day). If I massively overeat one day, I still desire a lot of food the next day, sadly :frowning: If I fast, I do feel it :smiley: Carbs have an impact, though, I am almost always super satiated after a carby day (not all day but until my normal first meal or a bit longer), it makes perfect sense to me. My cravings are smaller if I indulge before, that’s logical too.
But yours make perfect sense as well, we are just different.

By the way difference… Do people really desire different food in different seasons? Because I totally don’t. Or my SO. Or his Mom… My body wants exactly the same food all year around, I merely get tempted by fresh produce in summer, I don’t need it. And I surely need my more or less fatty pork in the hottest weather too. But I am a human, with a human body with its needs, don’t our body needs the same nutrients all year long? WHY is the “we want light food like salads in summer” come from then? And I saw it more than once that people claimed they barely eat more than some fruit in hot summer days… But don’t they get hungry, weak or something? I don’t function when I don’t get my nutrients and I doubt it’s very individual, it’s how our body should work… It needs the essential nutrients, maybe some can skip it for weeks (I theoretically could but I would hate it very much) but eventually (soon) we need to resume eating at least remotely properly I would think…

I am in my egg phase now. I could eat eggs when perfectly satiated… But I always could eat a lot without hunger. I need appetite for that, my satiation/hunger/need for fuel has little to do with it!
But making they simple egg dish - that’s nothing. I easily cook way more difficult things in a state where I am physically and mentally unable to eat! Cooking is a reward in itself, well not always or any kind. I prefer simpler things. Or fun things like bread making.

Of course hunger helps. But I can (and often very eager to) eat any of my staple food without hunger and I may not stomach of most of them when starving. So these kind of tests never worked for me. But I don’t need those, I am perfectly aware if I am hungry and if I desire something.