Brand A is literally impossible AFAIK, The Omega 3’s would naturally be present regardless, even if in lower amounts.
Here’s the problem, people go into nutso land on this stuff and hyper focus on the wrong things. PUFA doens’t equal evil any more than Insulin does. Don’t be afraid of words, look at the big picture.
If one egg has a better nutrient profile, it has the better nutrient profile. I’m going to worry about all the Omega 3’s I’m losing, not the small amount of Omega 6’s I’m getting (don’t forget 6’s are essential too). Easy enough to balance with 3’s.
If Brand A is a local place / farm, I’d question the validity of the test, and if it’s a commercial egg, the common sense of the whole place publically stating that their eggs somehow have no Omega 3’s which I don’t even think is impossible.
Brand B like most is getting fortified feed, and that doesn’t even look terrible vs what a lot of them eat. Especially for winter were all of them are running on feed now.
Eating whole / real foods is great, but when the end result is nutrient problem vs fortifying it and having what we need, I"m going for the one that gives me what I need. Without intentional supplementation, humans are almost guaranteed to be low on a lot of stuff we don’t want to be low in, animals are no different. In this case, I’d go with B.