Where to start

(Susan) #21

Everyone is different; all our bodies are unique, and respond in different ways. You just have to keep the carbs at 20 carbs or less and no sugar, eat enough calories, (from proteins and healthy fats), drink your water and electrolytes and be patient, and you will lose weight, and inches from your body and start to feel really healthy, get energy and feel great =).


Thank You.

(mole person) #23

Ten pounds in two weeks is excellent and suggests that you are on track and in ketosis. Just keep it up. You’re doing great. If you start to really stall then there are always tweaks that can be made to improve your loses but if you are even losing a pound a week then you are doing just great.


What are the tweaks ?


My weight is going up and down. Anyone tell me what can give the weightloss a nudge…

(Susan) #26

You are just new to Keto, all this takes time. Your body has a lot of adjusting it is doing right now.

Tweaks are things like going totally carnivore for a bit, and not eating anything else, (some people do this and it works for them), some people find making sure they are not eating any sugar substitutes at all can help (many of us have totally eliminated them from our lives due to this), some people find Fasting helps (they only drink black coffee/tea/water for a few days or longer, to help eliminate the toxins from their bodies). I love Fasting personally but I didn’t do it until I had been doing Keto for a few months, and I don’t think that most people attempt it until they have been doing Keto for a few months, but it is a tweak that I feel is more useful later on, then perhaps now, but I am just listing things that people try.

Basically your body is undergoing a big change right now.

If you are following the basics of 20 grams or less of carbs, and no sugar or sugar substitutes, and eating enough proteins, healthy fats, water and electrolytes, your body will respond favourably to that.

You lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks, that is great, you are obviously doing something right!! Just keep on target and don’t worry so much. You want want to make sure that you are not snacking, and maybe eat on a time limitation, by example, eat breakfast, lunch and supper, but don’t eat any snacks, and then don’t eat any food from supper until breakfast the next morning. Try to give yourself a period of at least 12 hours where you are not consuming any calories (you can have herbal tea, plain and water or decaf coffee during that time). This would be your time period in which you are sleeping anyway, so it should not be too difficult at this point, and it will help =).

You are actually doing well, but remember that your body is making big adjustments, so you will see progress as your body gets used to this new way of eating =).


I finally looked at what I should be eating calories wise I’ve only been getting to about 600 and some change that may be the problem

(Susan) #28

I try to eat about 1800 a day, so yes, you are way under!

To give you an idea; this is what I ate today:

I have lost 51 pounds so far, I was down another 2 this morning, after I have increased my calories to this, but I keep my carbs under 20 and no artificial sweeteners =).


Thank you

(Tessa) #30

Congrats! That’s awesome!

(Susan) #31

Thank you, Tessa =). I can testify for sure it is important to eat enough.

I stalled for 2.5 months when I wasn’t eating enough, no cheating at all, I just wasn’t eating enough food.

(mole person) #32

Tweaks will depend on what you are eating and when. But you shouldn’t really be tweaking much right now as your weight loss is steady and good.

One that helps many people is not using any artificial or non nutritive sweetners and keeping sugar carbs near zero. Sweetness causes physiological responses even in the absence of calories since the entire digestive system has receptors that respond to sweetness itself (rather than a specific molecule such as glucose or fructose). People tend to think that if a sweetener has zero carbs and calories that it can’t slow their fat losses but the body of evidence against that is very large.

Another important tweak type has to do with meal timing. First and most importantly don’t snack. Only eat meals when you are hungry enough to sit down to a full meal otherwise skip it. Secondly, you can reduce your daily feeding time frame. This is also called intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. Keeping your feeding window as short as possible allows longer periods of very low insulin in your body which is when your body fat stores open up to be consumed as fuel. @Momof5 eats 1800 calories a day but does so 100% in a four hour feeding window. The result is that her metabolism has improved markedly over the last few months. She’s able to eat WAY more than she was prior and she’s losing weight faster than when she was eating almost nothing.

There are other tweaks that have to do with specific keto foods that can hold some people back but you aren’t stalled and are already eating little so you probably shouldn’t be cutting anything out at this point. You want to find a diet that you will be happy to eat forever. When people get too restrictive they are more likely to eventually drift away from keto and gain weight again.


What can I eat to up my calories without going over 20 carbs. Still cant seem to get my calories up .

(K-9 Handler/Trainer, PSD/EP Specialist, Veteran) #34

This one depends on you… physically doing your due diligence and research on the foods you want; checking macronutrient content, etc. Most of the apps you’ve been suggested to use can help, checking ingredient and nutrient lists on things you see in the grocery store, and using the search function on this site.
In general, fats and proteins. Whole foods versus processed. Anything you find personally, that you like or want to try. And there are many recipes on this site as well.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #35

Personally, I drink ½ cup or 1 cup of heavy cream, flavored with some MCT powder. It can add up to 4-8 or so grams of carbs, but will give you 40 or 80g of fat. It’s how I get my calories!

(Marianne) #36

Add some bacon or pepperoni to your meal. If you are having meat or hamburgers, melt some bacon fat to have with it - really delicious.


Does weight go up and down…I’m seeing that…how do I keep the weight coming off not scale going up. Should I start exercising now? Help.been about a month since start. Will staying at 20 carbs still keep doing it?


Can I start fasting yet?

(mole person) #39

Can you tell us what you’ve been eating and drinking? What macros are you following? How many meals are you eating? Are you snacking at all? How much weight have you lost over how long a period? It’s easier to help when we have more information.


Macros is hard