I follow a cardiologist in Texas on Twitter. Follow him because he’s a cardiologist who believes in low carb. I can count the number of those on one hand.
He was complaining that his hospital went from 3 covid patients to the point where his rounds were 100% covid patients. And he was constantly responding to STEMIs for these patients:
And people freaked. They accused him of lying, they wouldn’t believe him without video (? why not), accused him of getting more money to handle covid patients (not true) and also lying…
He lives in RGV, which just got hammered by covid. He’s simply reporting the facts.
Can no one report facts on a disease anymore?
And then there’s Fauci, who has death threats against his family:
Dr. Fauci was on This Week in Virology, which I listen to as a podcast:
He seemed extremely level-headed and just told what thought the science said. That’s it.
You can listen. It’s only 30 minutes long. Decide for yourself.
When did we get to the point, and why can’t we believe, scientists and doctors anymore?
I realize they f-ed up nutrition, but that doesn’t translate to viruses.