What the

(Ken) #21

Once of the things Cordain pointed out on the old Paleodiet Group of more than a decade ago was the use of root veggies being fairly Paleo, due to their lower glycemic response. This does not include potatoes, as they are considered tubers rather than veggies. Root veggies such as carrots, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, etc. I’ve used beef stew with root veggies for recompensation quite often in the past.

(Consensus is Politics) #22

One of the takeaways I have here is RS can be very beneficial, doesn’t raise BG levels. With a very big BUT behind it. DONT HEAT IT UP. I haven’t found anything specific as to how hot it can get, but cooking it turns it into plain old carbohydrate. What would be nice, and a miracle, is to find out how to take said raw potato, and make french fries with it, while not killing the RS. Wow. I could make millions.

French fries are my Kyptonite. The very day I was Dx with T2D I had just come from 5 Guys. Where I had a small hamburger and a LARGE side of cajun fries. Large being a misnomer. 5 Guys large fries is probably equal to three large potatoes. Basically its a brown lunch bag full of seasoned fries.

(Consensus is Politics) #23

Welcome to the grand opening of “KETO BOBS”. Bacon-burgers with coconut flour bread and RS fries.

Free refills on your butter coffee in the morning.


Richard Nikoley has a whole recipe with cooked, cooled potatoes that then he reheats but not enough to break down the RS. BUT he’s relatively high carb in his general approach,I think, and I bet there’s a whole lot of just plain old starch in those along with the remaining resistant starch…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #25

Just don’t have more than 20 g and you’re good! :grin: :bacon:



(Consensus is Politics) #27

Remember the commercial? You cant have just one.


For some reason I couldn’t just copy the nutrition label.

But 181 carbs. a little over 9 times too much. [sigh]

and compare "little’ fries.

Still [sigh]

(Doug) #28

:smile: Robert, no doubt. Nearest Five Guys to me gives you a lot of fries, then dumps another pound or two of them in the bag, on top of everything else…

(Consensus is Politics) #29

Yeah, I forgot about having to dig my way to the little ball of foil buried under a mountain of FF. !7X^D

(VLC.MD) #30

Read this thread.